2025-01-30 - 2025-02-06


3 Active Pull Requests
1 Active Issue
Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 1 commit to main and 1 commit to all branches. On main, 14 files have changed and there have been 77 additions and 10 deletions.

1 Pull request merged by 1 user

Merged #363 Aggiunto controllo scrittura bglug 2025-02-04 20:32:32 +00:00

2 Pull requests proposed by 1 user

Proposed #364 Aggiunte coordinate geografiche e sistemato licenza mappa. Fixes #361 2025-02-04 20:40:50 +00:00

Proposed #365 [WIP] Aggiunto shortcode img per didascalie fatte meglio 2025-02-04 22:18:00 +00:00

1 Issue closed from 1 user

2 Unresolved Conversations

Open #356 Shortcode per le immagini come https://este.linux.it/? 2025-02-04 22:18:00 +00:00

Open #361 Aggiungere coordinate geografiche 2025-02-04 20:40:50 +00:00