--- title: "Events in 2020 by BGlug" date: 2019-12-30T12:00:00+00:00 draft: true slug: eventi-2020 type: post image: eventi2020-collage.png image_alt: "Events' collage of 2019" summary: "Here is the summary list of the meetings organized by BGlug during 2020" tags: - eventi categories: - Eventi --- The year opened with the now traditional **Linux Winter Day** at the IC "Gioele Solari" in Albino. Organized just before the big Covid shutdown. It will be months before we see each other again in person and not through a screen. However, Bglug's activities have not stopped. Remotely, but also in person with all due precautions, members supported the schools: * **Project `#TUTTINRETE` to support Distance Learning** together with FABLAB Bergamo. * **Videoconferencing with jitsi-meet and docker** to allow anyone to continue maintaining contact, especially between students and teachers. A long break awaits us. Who knows how long... stay tuned!