--- banner: enable: true image: homepage_banner.webp contents: "What is Bergamo Linux Users Group?" button: contents: "Learn more..." url: who items: - type: important-warning enabled: false link: url: /en/where title: More info contents: "BGLUG is closed on 10 october" - heading: Latest posts type: posts content_type: posts max: 4 - heading: Latest events type: posts content_type: events max: 4 - type: highlights items_per_row: 2 items: - title: Events icon: fa-calendar-day content: > Come to our events! You would learn all that there is to know about free software and *open source* - title: Schools icon: fa-graduation-cap content: > Follow our volunteers on their activities by schools in the province of Bergamo. - type: cta contents: Would you like to contribute to our activities? button: contents: "Contact us" url: where