Updating liceo.svbg with latest corrections from master #8

syntaxerrormmm wants to merge 4 commits from syntaxerrormmm/client-pull-installation:liceo.svbg into liceo.svbg
16 changed files with 48 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
34656463636239626332366464373337386539643933653433653362613238666330636334323465 61346634373262366638356239623132393734353135376535653433636137363331646432323438
6666373739386430643330666238366237646365623634370a363530303762373036616332313966 3666376430616632613366653463303431313336346166330a616166366330333038666164626663
31343339373532346538393164373037396135633631653133663862316161373566633938386234 62623562333864613537313436323136666336656533346264323730386130316566633432383531
6366613030386432320a313262383838663262373037643138616131343337626234306436323462 3338333862626664380a366638656363363663303031646366303964333361646336666134333134
64333262663662353836303365316433353463326664623838353339376164313235363339313238 37383035613166663838373632343061656537326163303831323335333464613964656531383933
3865613230306436346365623338366564346633343565623964 3833343663333130636631643865393933656332616636366263

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- name: Installation of the desktop environment - name: Installation of the desktop environment
shell: "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get -y install edubuntu-desktop-gnome^" shell: "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get -y install edubuntu-desktop-gnome^"
when: check_edubuntu_pkg|changed when: check_edubuntu_pkg is changed
tags: edu-install tags: edu-install
- name: Change default desktop environment - name: Change default desktop environment

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@ -15,49 +15,45 @@
- name: Removing packages commonly not required - name: Removing packages commonly not required
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_common_delpkg }}"
state: absent state: absent
purge: yes purge: yes
with_items: "{{ base_common_delpkg }}"
- name: Removing packages from client machines - name: Removing packages from client machines
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_client_delpkg }}"
state: absent state: absent
purge: yes purge: yes
with_items: "{{ base_client_delpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'client' and base_client_delpkg|length > 0 when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'client' and base_client_delpkg|length > 0
- name: Removing packages from docenti machines - name: Removing packages from docenti machines
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_docenti_delpkg }}"
state: absent state: absent
purge: yes purge: yes
with_items: "{{ base_docenti_delpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'docenti' and base_docenti_delpkg|length > 0 when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'docenti' and base_docenti_delpkg|length > 0
- name: Cleanup of unneeded packages - name: Cleanup of unneeded packages
shell: apt-get -y autoremove shell: apt-get -y autoremove
warn: false
register: autoremove register: autoremove
changed_when: "'Rimozione' in autoremove.stdout" changed_when: "'Rimozione' in autoremove.stdout"
- name: Installing additional common packages - name: Installing additional common packages
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_common_addpkg }}"
state: installed state: present
with_items: "{{ base_common_addpkg }}"
tags: edu-install tags: edu-install
- name: Installing additional packages for client role - name: Installing additional packages for client role
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_client_addpkg }}"
state: present state: present
with_items: "{{ base_client_addpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'client' and base_client_addpkg|length > 0 when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'client' and base_client_addpkg|length > 0
- name: Installing additional packages for docenti role - name: Installing additional packages for docenti role
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg: "{{ base_docenti_addpkg }}"
state: present state: present
with_items: "{{ base_docenti_addpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'docenti' and base_docenti_addpkg|length > 0 when: ansible_local.noderole.role == 'docenti' and base_docenti_addpkg|length > 0

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@ -10,27 +10,27 @@
- name: Checking for a correct name - name: Checking for a correct name
shell: cat /tmp/epoptes-srv shell: cat /tmp/epoptes-srv
register: epo_srv_name register: epo_srv_name
when: get_epo_srv_name|changed when: get_epo_srv_name is changed
changed_when: "'none' not in epo_srv_name.stdout" changed_when: "'none' not in epo_srv_name.stdout"
- name: Cleanup - name: Cleanup
file: file:
path: /tmp/epoptes-srv path: /tmp/epoptes-srv
state: absent state: absent
when: get_epo_srv_name|changed when: get_epo_srv_name is changed
- name: Ensuring epoptes-client is installed - name: Ensuring epoptes-client is installed
apt: apt:
name: epoptes-client name: epoptes-client
state: present state: present
when: get_epo_srv_name|changed when: get_epo_srv_name is changed
- name: Configuring the client - name: Configuring the client
replace: replace:
dest: /etc/default/epoptes-client dest: /etc/default/epoptes-client
regexp: "^#SERVER=server" regexp: "^#SERVER=server"
replace: "SERVER={{ epo_srv_name.stdout }}" replace: "SERVER={{ epo_srv_name.stdout }}"
when: epo_srv_name|changed when: epo_srv_name is changed
- name: Checking for an already existent certificate - name: Checking for an already existent certificate
file: file:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- name: Getting the epoptes server certificate - name: Getting the epoptes server certificate
shell: /usr/sbin/epoptes-client -c shell: /usr/sbin/epoptes-client -c
when: crt_epo_exists|failed when: crt_epo_exists is failed
# I don't notify anymore, hoping that this would be done on first run after # I don't notify anymore, hoping that this would be done on first run after
# preseed and it should restart because of domain join. # preseed and it should restart because of domain join.
#notify: #notify:

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@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
- name: Ensure needed packages are installed - name: Ensure needed packages are installed
apt: apt:
name: "{{ item }}" name:
- unattended-upgrades
- update-notifier-common
state: present state: present
- unattended-upgrades
- update-notifier-common
- name: Configuring unattended upgrades from file - name: Configuring unattended upgrades from file
copy: copy:

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
- name: Disabling pulseaudio startup on lightdm - name: Disabling pulseaudio startup on lightdm
shell: chmod -x /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 shell: chmod -x /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11
warn: false
- name: Removing old (and not-working) approach - name: Removing old (and not-working) approach
file: file:

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@ -7,3 +7,5 @@
# Correctly managing ansible-pull runs. # Correctly managing ansible-pull runs.
- name: Updating local version for repo - name: Updating local version for repo
shell: 'rm -f {{ ansible_local.checksum.repover_file }} && echo "{{ ansible_local.checksum.repover }}" > {{ ansible_local.checksum.repover_file }}' shell: 'rm -f {{ ansible_local.checksum.repover_file }} && echo "{{ ansible_local.checksum.repover }}" > {{ ansible_local.checksum.repover_file }}'
warn: false

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- name: Joining domain - name: Joining domain
shell: 'net rpc join -U admin%{{ domainadminpasswd }}' shell: 'net rpc join -U admin%{{ domainadminpasswd }}'
when: check_domain|changed when: check_domain is changed
register: domainjoin register: domainjoin
notify: notify:
- reboot - reboot

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@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
- name: Recompiling glib2 schemas - name: Recompiling glib2 schemas
shell: glib-compile-schemas --strict /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ shell: glib-compile-schemas --strict /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
when: cfg_glib_users|changed or cfg_glib_mounted|changed or cfg_keyb_layout|changed when: cfg_glib_users is changed or cfg_glib_mounted is changed or cfg_keyb_layout is changed

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@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
- name: Restarting NTP service - name: Restarting NTP service
shell: service ntp restart shell: service ntp restart
when: cfg_ntp|changed when: cfg_ntp is changed

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#- name: Downgrading SAMBA if not the right version #- name: Downgrading SAMBA if not the right version
# shell: "/var/lib/{{ ansible_local.domain.domainfull }}/bin/downgrade_samba.sh" # shell: "/var/lib/{{ ansible_local.domain.domainfull }}/bin/downgrade_samba.sh"
# when: check_samba_version|changed # when: check_samba_version is changed
# #
#- name: Checking again for the correct SAMBA version #- name: Checking again for the correct SAMBA version
# shell: dpkg -l | grep libsmbclient # shell: dpkg -l | grep libsmbclient
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
- name: Installing domain packages - name: Installing domain packages
apt: apt:
pkg: '{{ item }}' pkg:
- winbind
- samba
state: present state: present
- winbind
- samba

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@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
- name: SAMBA restart - name: SAMBA restart
shell: /sbin/restart smbd shell: /sbin/restart smbd
when: cfg_samba|changed when: cfg_samba is changed
- name: Winbind restart - name: Winbind restart
shell: /sbin/restart winbind shell: /sbin/restart winbind
when: cfg_samba|changed when: cfg_samba is changed
- name: Creating home base - name: Creating home base
file: file:

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- name: Adding certificates to the ones used by the system - name: Adding certificates to the ones used by the system
shell: update-ca-certificates shell: update-ca-certificates
when: proxycrt_dwnl|changed when: proxycrt_dwnl is changed
- name: Firefox settings to include certificate - name: Firefox settings to include certificate
get_url: get_url:

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@ -7,18 +7,18 @@
- name: Installing packages for specific role from NetworkPackageManager - name: Installing packages for specific role from NetworkPackageManager
apt: apt:
name: '{{ item }}' name: "{{ ansible_local.noderole.addpkg }}"
state: present state: present
with_items: "{{ ansible_local.noderole.addpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.addpkg is defined and ansible_local.noderole.addpkg|join(' ')|trim != '' when: ansible_local.noderole.addpkg is defined and ansible_local.noderole.addpkg|join(' ')|trim != ''
- name: Removing packages for specific role from NetworkPackageManager - name: Removing packages for specific role from NetworkPackageManager
apt: apt:
name: '{{ item }}' name: "{{ ansible_local.noderole.delpkg }}"
state: absent state: absent
purge: yes purge: yes
with_items: "{{ ansible_local.noderole.delpkg }}"
when: ansible_local.noderole.delpkg is defined and ansible_local.noderole.delpkg|join(' ')|trim != '' when: ansible_local.noderole.delpkg is defined and ansible_local.noderole.delpkg|join(' ')|trim != ''
- name: Updating local hash for packages - name: Updating local hash for packages
shell: 'rm -f {{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver_file }} && echo "{{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver }}" > {{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver_file }}' shell: 'rm -f {{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver_file }} && echo "{{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver }}" > {{ ansible_local.checksum.pkgver_file }}'
warn: false

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@ -15,4 +15,6 @@
- name: Applying local signed fixes - name: Applying local signed fixes
shell: "/usr/bin/curl -sSL http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/fixes/{{ item }} | /usr/bin/gpg --passphrase {{ domainadminpasswd }} --decrypt | sudo /bin/bash" shell: "/usr/bin/curl -sSL http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/fixes/{{ item }} | /usr/bin/gpg --passphrase {{ domainadminpasswd }} --decrypt | sudo /bin/bash"
warn: false
with_items: "{{ ansible_local.domain.apply_fixes|default([]) }}" with_items: "{{ ansible_local.domain.apply_fixes|default([]) }}"

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- name: Installing libreoffice PPA GPG key - name: Installing libreoffice PPA GPG key
shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 1378B444 shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 1378B444
when: check_gpg_libreoffice|failed when: check_gpg_libreoffice is failed
- name: Checking for ansible PPA GPG key - name: Checking for ansible PPA GPG key
shell: apt-key list | grep -q 7BB9C367 shell: apt-key list | grep -q 7BB9C367
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- name: Installing ansible PPA GPG key - name: Installing ansible PPA GPG key
shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7BB9C367 shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7BB9C367
when: check_gpg_ansible|failed when: check_gpg_ansible is failed
- name: Checking for epoptes PPA GPG key - name: Checking for epoptes PPA GPG key
shell: apt-key list | grep -q 0350B375 shell: apt-key list | grep -q 0350B375
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- name: Installing epoptes PPA GPG key - name: Installing epoptes PPA GPG key
shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0350B375 shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0350B375
when: check_gpg_epoptes|failed when: check_gpg_epoptes is failed
- name: Checking for geogebra GPG key - name: Checking for geogebra GPG key
shell: apt-key list | grep -q 83A736CF shell: apt-key list | grep -q 83A736CF
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- name: Installing geogebra GPG key - name: Installing geogebra GPG key
shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 83A736CF shell: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 83A736CF
when: check_gpg_geogebra|failed when: check_gpg_geogebra is failed
- name: Removing old repositories (if present) - name: Removing old repositories (if present)
file: file: