# doraemon # ## Progetto Scuola [ BgLUG][bglug] - Scenery 1 ## `doraemon` is a helper daemon that provides information to [Ubuntu][] network clients, to correctly join in a [SAMBA][] 3.0 domain served by [NethServer][] with [custom configurations][server-config]. It is a webserver (based on [Python Bottle][bottle]) responding on port 3000 to requests from client during provisioning phase with [Ansible][]. This repo contains the server itself (`doraemon.py`) plus all the other files needed to package a RPM installable on a [NethServer][] 6.0 server. It stores the configuration for the hosts inside a [SQLite][] database, plus providing some other information from well-known files inside the filesystem. Please see `doraemon.ini` for configuration of the server. It is licensed under [GPLv2][] license. Thanks to the initial developer, [Enrico Bacis][]. ## Routes served ## Actually, the server responds to the following routes: * `/mac2hostname`: responds to the client stating the hostname based on MAC address. Actually requires following parameters: - `mac`: the MAC address for which create the hostname. Optional parameters: - `base`: basename of the client. Can be any string. Defaulting to "lab". - `role`: role of the client to be created. Can be any string (default: "client"). * `/whatsmyhostname`: returns hostname for the client that requested the route. May accept the following optional parameters: - `base`: basename of the client. - `role`: role of the client. * `/hosts`: returns a dictionary of all hosts registered, each with its role, hostname and MAC address. * `/domain`: returns YAML-formatted output for domain information. * `/mgmtkey`: returns the SSH public key for the management user inside the network. * `/vaultpass`: provides encrypted password for the decription of vaulted files within [Ansible configuration repository][client-pull-installation]. ## TODO List ## * Implement methods for dynamic inventory for Ansible * Verify RPM packaging to automatically start daemon as soon as it is installed * Verify NethServer script for `runlevel-adjust` [bglug]: http://bglug.it "BgLUG Homepage" [ubuntu]: http://www.ubuntu.com [samba]: http://www.samba.org [nethserver]: http://www.nethserver.org [server-config]: https://github.com/bglug-it/server-config [client-pull-installation]: https://github.com/bglug-it/client-pull-installation [bottle]: http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html [ansible]: http://www.ansible.com [sqlite]: https://www.sqlite.org/ [gplv2]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html [enrico bacis]: https://github.com/enricobacis