# libreschool-epoptes # [![Build Status](https://drone.libreschool.org/api/badges/LibreSchool/libreschool-epoptes/status.svg)](https://drone.libreschool.org/LibreSchool/libreschool-epoptes) This package contains the epoptes service customizations for the LibreSchool project. ## Requirements ## A working [LibreSchool][] installation is required. ## Features ## By installing this package, you can automatically configure multiple epoptes installations. You can do so by creating "host groups": each group will have multiple members and a "master" (the epoptes server). Certificates for the connection are created and stored on the server. Take this as a reference: ```bash # db hosts show room1 room1=group AdminGroups= AdminUsers=teacher1 teacher2 GroupPurpose=epoptes master=lab01 members=lab01 lab02 lab03 ``` **AdminUsers** contains a space-separated list of NethServer users that will be granted the epoptes administrator privileges. **master** is the host that will run the epoptes server service. **members** can include the master or not, as you want. The epoptes-client will be installed and configured anyway. You MUST set the **GroupPurpose** to **epoptes**. At the moment, the **AdminGroups** property is not used, mainly because there's no way in linux to have a group as a membter of another group. ## License ## As the rest of the LibreSchool project, libreschool-proxy is licensed under [GPLv3][] license. [LibreSchool]: https://libreschool.org "LibreSchool Project Homepage" [GPLv3]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html