--- - name: Install epoptes server apt: name: [ 'epoptes' ] state: present - name: Copy epoptes certificate key copy: src: "/var/lib/nethserver/secrets/epoptes/{{ epoptesgroup }}/server.key" dest: "/etc/epoptes/server.key" owner: root group: root mode: 0600 notify: restart epoptes # TODO: all users and all groups - name: Make sure the admin users are part of the epoptes group ({{ epoptesgroup }}) user: name: "{{ user }}" groups: epoptes append: yes state: present loop: "{{ epoptesadminusers }}" loop_control: loop_var: user # TODO: at the moment, this is unsupported. # In Active Directory, groups can be part of other groups # We can't reproduce that in linux, so we have to: # - iterate the epoptesadmingroups list # - for each group, fetch the members from nethserver-accounts # - add each member # We also have to deal with the removal of a user from the aforementioned groups # - name: Make sure the users members of the admin groups are part of the epoptes group # user: # name: "{{ item.1 }}" # groups: epoptes # append: yes # state: present # with_subelements: # - "{{ epoptesadmingroups }}" # - members - name: Set epoptes server as configured set_fact: epoptes_server_configured=true