# startpage # [![Build Status](https://drone.libreschool.org/api/badges/LibreSchool/libreschool-startpage/status.svg)](https://drone.libreschool.org/LibreSchool/libreschool-startpage) This is a LibreSchool plugin used to force a browser start page on all clients. On this start page you can have multiple buttons/icons acting as a link to different services. There's a basic GUI for configuration but it lacks links configuration. ## Usage Just go in the "start page" section on the server's administration interface. From here you can enable or disable the start page. ![6e20d4c0beaebeb935ffbd7d77855776.png](./images/6e20d4c0beaebeb935ffbd7d77855776.png) On the "Users" tab, you can change the start page for all users. ![760afc0cf8ee59ce9cc1b8b7f5f1f517.png](./images/760afc0cf8ee59ce9cc1b8b7f5f1f517.png) You can add a new link via command line (just SSH to server and issue this command) ``` # db startpage set link2 link enable yes title "Registro Elettronico" link "https://axioscloud.it" imagelink "https://family.axioscloud.it/Images/Image_Login.png" ``` Remember to regenerate the start-page after each modification: ``` # /etc/e-smith/events/actions/startpage-refresh ``` ## Advanced Usage ### Custom templating There's support for templating, so you can customize your own template. Just create a new file (let's say `mytemplate.jinja2` and put it in `/usr/share/startpage/templates`). As you can imagine, [jinja2](http://jinja.pocoo.org/) is used as the templating engine. If you need custom assets (images, css, and so on), you can put it under `/usr/share/startpage/assets`; keep in mind that this path is reachable via http on the `/startpage` URI. To select the active template: ``` # db startpage setprop configuration template mytemplate ``` As usual, remember to regenerate the start-page. ### Renaming output file If for some reason you want to rename the output file, do like this: ``` # db startpage setprop configuration outfile /var/www/html/index.php ``` As usual, remember to regenerate the start-page.