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title: About us
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2016-12-11T09:42:44+00:00
<span id="result_box" class="" lang="en" tabindex="-1"><span class="">We believe that <strong>free and open source software</strong> (FOSS) transcends economical or technical aspects and</span></span><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en" tabindex="-1"><span class=""> that its underlying values are formative and educational. </span></span>For these reasons, we think the schools, the main place where knowledge has ever been shared, have to adopt free and open source software.
The project was born at the begining of 2015 inside the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Bergamo Linux Users Group (BgLUG)</strong></a>, an association of **GNU/Linux** enthusiasts who promote **Free and OpenSource software** through social activities in the North of Italy.
# Contact and Reference
E-mail address: [info(at)][1]
Mailing List: <>
Sources: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
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name: LibreSchool
description: Homepage of the LibreSchool project
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title: Features
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2016-12-10T17:38:20+00:00
The technical implementation of the project includes the following steps:
* Audit the lab hardware, evaluating its compliance to the technical requirements of the project by checking the PCs and its networking;
* Conclusion of pending works to fulfull technical compliance of the lab;
* Deployment of the server system;
* Deployment of the client PCs in semi-automatic mode;
* Quality check/test based on the technical objectives of the project.
Deployment of the server, client PCs and the lab network is usually completed before the beginning of the training session, so that the lab can be available in its final form also for the training purposes.
The proposed technical solution has the following objectives:
* **Centralized authentication**. Like in enterprise environments, where accounts and permissions to available infrastructural resources are managed at a single point, our solution also provides the ability to handle creation, modification, changing the password and granting permissions on the entire infrastructure or part of it from a single _web console_, available from any PCs inside the lab;
* **Sharing files**. Sharing is an integral part of our project and a key feature in the classroom context. Our solution allows file sharing using common enterprise-level protocols, compatible with other proprietary operating systems, to allow maximum efficiency in sharing;
* **Web content filtering**. It is important to make students aware of the non-positive and non-instructive nature of some web sites. We believe it is essential to provide a safe and trusted environment for teaching in the lab; we provide it by activating a web traffic filtering solution that comply with the law and with the specific requirements of the individual class. Our solution includes customizable web filters with a few clicks from the system administrators;
* **Optimize bandwidth connectivity**. Our solution implements an outbound bandwidth optimization system (forward proxy) for Internet surfing and OS upgrades, to ensure efficient and affordable performance even for schools that do not have good quality connections;
* **Efficient data backup of the lab**. We all know how important your data is, so backupping important file is crucial. Our solution implements an efficient backup system with easy-to-use interface for the administrators;
* **Roaming profiles**. All the data and configurations of all users will be on the server. This allows the solution to be client-independent: in case of malfunctioning on the clients, they can thus be replaced without worrying about restoring their content. Also, this further helps the centralised management of the backups.
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">The solution, despite its high technological content, has been studied so that the laboratory can be managed by people without special technical skills.</span>
Below is a summary of the features that teachers and administrators will have available for their daily activities.
## Teachers
Inside the network, besides the server, there will be a dedicated PC for the teacher and some PCs for students.
The teacher’s PC will be similar to the students’ PCs except for a software: **Epoptes**.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-120" src="" alt="Epoptes" width="900" height="533" srcset=" 900w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px" />
With this application, the teacher is able to monitor all students’ PCs, checking what they are doing, providing them remote support, locking their screen, switching off their PCs and sharing the teacher’s screen to show part of the lesson, for example.
All PCs will have a graphical interface similar to the following with a georgeous range of applications, some of which are already mentioned in the main page of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>LibreSchool </strong></a>**project**.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-269" src="" alt="desktop libreschool" width="936" height="681" srcset=" 936w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 936px) 100vw, 936px" />
Beside the preinstalled applications, you can install many others by choosing from a repository that includes tens of thousands of them. Below the screenshots of some of those.
**LibreOffice**, a famous office productivity suite that has been adopted by many public administration and private companies in many countries
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-270" src="" alt="app Libreoffice" width="871" height="609" srcset=" 871w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 871px) 100vw, 871px" />
**Geogebra** to study of geometry, algebra and analysis
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-133" src="" alt="Geogebra" width="1276" height="892" srcset=" 1276w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1276px) 100vw, 1276px" />
**Freeplane**, an intuitive application for creating mind maps
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-273" src="" alt="app Freeplane" width="1920" height="1080" srcset=" 1920w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px" />
**Gimp**, used for photo-editing, free-form drawing, converting between different image formats and more specialized tasks.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-136" src="" alt="Gimp" width="785" height="479" srcset=" 785w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 785px) 100vw, 785px" />
**Fritzing**, free software for the design of electronics hardware, to support designers and artists ready to move from experimenting with a prototype to building a more permanent circuit. It was developed at the University of Applied Sciences of Potsdam.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-137" src="" alt="Fritzing progettazione elettronica" width="800" height="545" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" />
**Scribus**, is a desktop publishing (DTP) application, designed for layout, typesetting, and preparation of files for professional-quality image-setting equipment. It can also create animated and interactive PDF presentations and forms. Example uses include writing newspapers, brochures, newsletters, posters, and books.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-138" src="" alt="Scribus desktop publishing" width="1280" height="720" srcset=" 1280w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" />
**Openshot**, powerful digital video editing software
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-274" src="" alt="app Openshot" width="1279" height="947" srcset=" 1279w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1279px) 100vw, 1279px" />
**Stellarium**, a great virtual planetarium also used by the astronomical park <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">La Torre del Sole</a> of Brembate Sopra (BG – Italy)
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-140" src="" alt="Stellarium" width="1024" height="768" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" />
**Tux Paint** is a raster graphics editor geared towards young children. The user interface is intuitive and utilizes icons, audible feedback and textual hints to help explain how the software works. The brightly colored interface, sound effects and cartoon mascot (Tux, the mascot of the Linux kernel) are meant to engage children.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-271" src="" alt="app tuxpaint" width="804" height="610" srcset=" 804w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 804px) 100vw, 804px" />
**LibreCAD**, opensource CAD application for 2D design.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-143" src="" alt="LibreCAD" width="1743" height="1137" srcset=" 1743w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1743px) 100vw, 1743px" />
## Administrators
Laboratory administrators, in addition to normal hardware and network maintenance, will be able to handle all the functionality provided by the solution through a convenient and intuitive web interface.
We spent a lot of time to selecting and testing different Linux server distribution, because we wanted to add to the known stability and solidity, proper of GNU/Linux, also the ease of access and management, even from people without sysadmin professional knowledge.
So we choose <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Nethserver Linux</strong></a>, a distribution developed by an Italian company in Pesaro and based on **CentOS**.
Below, some screenshots of the tool made available to the lab administrators. The images give an idea of how managing the lab is truly powerful and simple at the same time.
**Nethserver Dashboard**: overview of the status of the server and the services offered.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-264" src="" alt="nethserver dashboard" width="1555" height="679" srcset=" 1555w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1555px) 100vw, 1555px" />
**Manage users and groups**. Additional functionality is also provided for bulk importing of users from a spreadsheet, a feature that is useful especially at the beginning of the year when there are a lot of new students.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-265" src="" alt="nethserver users" width="1540" height="498" srcset=" 1540w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1540px) 100vw, 1540px" />
**Web Content Filter**: administrators will have a powerful tool to indicate which web content can be accessed and what are to be blocked, based on categorization of the websites.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-266" src="" alt="nethserver content filter" width="841" height="769" srcset=" 841w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 841px) 100vw, 841px" />
**Network Package Manager** to install/remove on all client PCs. Through this interface, administrators can set which applications should be present (in addition to pre-installed ones) or removed on all networked PCs. Each changes indicated by this tool will automatically be applied on each single PC at its restart.
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-267" src="" alt="nethserver package manager" width="538" height="578" srcset=" 538w, 279w" sizes="(max-width: 538px) 100vw, 538px" />
In addition to simplifying server management, **LibreSchool** also helps administrators in deploying client PCs. We have studied and developed a solution by which any PC, started according to a particular procedure, is **automatically** installed/reinstalled and configured, by taking instructions on configuration from the server.
At startup with the procedure that will be explained during the training, you will see a screen similar to the following:
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-131" src="" alt="libreschool_pxe_install_client" width="640" height="502" srcset=" 640w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" />
After making the few necessary choices by the administrator, the installation starts without requiring any other manual interaction. Once the installation is completed, the PC will be configured and ready to use as all other PCs in the lab.
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Join the Project
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2016-12-11T09:36:58+00:00
featured_image: /wp-content/uploads/2016/12/scuola-linux2-320x180.jpg
### For schools {#per-le-scuole}
If your school <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en" tabindex="-1"><span class="">wants to join the project, you may contact us by e-mail at </span></span>[<tt>info(at)</tt>][1].
* * *
### For enthusiasts {#per-gli-appassionati}
Are you a parent, a teacher, a **Linux** enthusiast or simply a citizen that wants to give help with the project? Join the **LibreSchool community** by writing us your experience and describing your knowledge (development, tutorial, wiki, translations, etc); we’ll surely contact you back to give you any needed information.
That is the typical spirit of a free and opensource project!
### For "nerds" {#per-gli-appassionati}
Do you want to help the project and coding is your passion? Look at the code, it’s 100% **open source** (GNU GPLv3):
Git Repositories are available at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: The «Gabriele Camozzi» Comprehensive Institute of Bergamo goes to Linux
author: pfinardi
type: post
date: 2016-03-30T20:00:30+00:00
url: /istituto-comprensivo-camozzi-bergamo-linux/
featured_image: /wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Camozzi_01_750x422-750x410-320x180.jpg
- Case History
On Tuesday, March 29th, 2016 we went to the [«Gabriele Camozzi» Comprehensive Institute][1] of Bergamo and we concluded the implementation of the lab, which is now **100% open source**.
The relationship with the «Gabriele Camozzi» Comprehensive Institute started in June 2015, when we met the Didactic Manager to showcase our project. The meeting had been urged by some parents of the students of the Institute who knew how much we did at the «Mastri Caravaggini» Institute.
The first meeting went well, so well that another one followed and was targeted to teachers and student’s parents. This meeting was strongly demanded by the Didactic Manager who was astonished by the value of the project, far beyond the technical and didactic features. Also, some other **guests** were invited and they really appreciated the semi-automatic deployments of PCs via PXE boot and [**NethServer** distribution][2] for the ease of management it provides to non-technical people.
<div id="attachment_146" style="width: 760px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-146" class="size-full wp-image-146" src="" alt="Camozzi Libreschool Linux" width="750" height="422" srcset=" 750w, 300w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" />
<p id="caption-attachment-146" class="wp-caption-text">
Simultaneous lab clients deployment using PXE boot
But back to March 29th. Now the lab is operational, but there are still some non-blocking features to make the perfect configuration; the school has anyways already begun to exploit it for didactic activities.
A few weeks ago, we installed and configured the main server and re-used an old PC as NAS for package repository and backups; we waited for the arrival of the new Gigabit switch, purchased directly from the school, and, at last, only the installation and configuration of the clients were missing.
To be precise, the activities carried out on Tuesday night were:
* installation and configuration of the new Gigabit managed switch with VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) creation to logically separate the lab network from the school one;
* physical transfer and on-site installation of the main server, already configured with **Nethesis Nethserver** distribution, which offers various services including domain controller, file server, DNS, DHCP, content filter and firewall;
* physical transfer and on-site installation of the resulting NAS by installing **Debian** **Linux** on an old PC of the school, no longer suitable to be a client in the lab; it will serve as **repository-mirror** for clients and **backup-server**;
* simultaneous PXE boot installation of all clients with **Edubuntu Linux** distro;
* final tests on the proper functionality of the lab;
Not so bad for a single night, uh? 😀
At this point, a fundamental part of the project remains: **training**.
In this regard, in the next days we will agree upon a calendar with the Didactic Manager, in order to train teachers to be skillful to use the lab for their didactic activity and to train the people in charge of maintaining the lab.
In conclusion, we would like to express a special thanks and a praise to Marco Nembrini, a parent of a student from Camozzi Institute (and now our partner), for the commitment that has been generously given in these months. He has been the main supporter of this project by participating in its realization and by often being decisive in solving some logistic/bureaucratic problems. Great work Marco !!
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
title: The «Ilaria Alpi» Comprehensive Institute of Milan renews its labs with Linux
author: pfinardi
type: post
date: 2017-02-08T22:30:15+00:00
url: /istituto-comprensivo-ilaria-alpi-milano-rinnova-laboratori-con-linux/
featured_image: Ilaria_Alpi_01.jpg
- Case History
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The "Istituto Comprensivo «Ilaria Alpi»" of Milan</a> has endorsed, as other schools before, the **LibreSchool** project and has renewed its didactic labs in **three schools** with **GNU/****Linux** and **free software**: the Primary School of via Salerno 3, Milan, the Secondary School of via Salerno 1, Milan and Tre Castelli building.
Conversely to what happened with other schools in the province of Bergamo, we were not the only people to give them help: [**OpenLabs**][1], another association of volunteers from Milan, did most of the work inside the school labs with great success. We are thankful to them, as they turned out a valid partner and we surely extend our collaboration with them on other schools.
Other people which helped a lot are the teachers who believed in our vision and actively partecipated, worked, suggested, required new implementations, tested and provided high value feedback to improve the technical solution. We are amazed at their enthusiasm and thankful to them, too.

But let’s look at how the relationship with the Ilaria Alpi Institute was born. Everything started with an e-mail, dated May 24th, 2016, sent by Professor Stefano Tolio:
I'm a teacher at IC Ilaria Alpi in Milan.
I found you through your website. In my school we would like to set up 2 new labs with Linux.
I'm looking, in addition to online information, for someone who can help us with specific tips and experiences.
Have you collaborated with schools in Milan? Or do you know some similar associations to yours in the city?
If you wish, I'm also available for a chat or to come to Bergamo.
Thank you so much
When we received the message we were pleased, but at the same time scared: who wants to go to Milan? We were aware that our project offers more than the installation of some PCs and requires considerable commitment from all involved actors: it also meant to go on-site for surveys, installations and training sessions. What to do? We thought we would be a lot more effective if we found someone in the same territory as the school that has our own values and goals: **OpenLabs**. <span lang="en">We wrote them, explaining the project and that we already had a contact in Milan, and OpenLabs responded with enthusiasm.</span>
There have been meetings with Stefano Tolio of the Ilaria Alpi Institute who, as proposed in his mail, came to see the development group in Bergamo. With him we evaluated his needs and the correspondence of the features of our project and the friends of OpenLabs detailed the surveys and made sure that all was going to be fine with the implementation.
Meanwhile, Stefano Tolio and Martina Palazzolo (his colleague) attended our course at the end of October 2016 for our lab maintainers at the Camozzi School in Bergamo.
In November, we all together (Stefano Tolio, OpenLabs and us) met in Bergamo to perform installation and configuration of the three servers, brought by Stefano Tolio on the behalf of the Ilaria Alpi Institute. The goal of the day was obviously the server installations, but it also served as training to replicate server installation and configuration autonomously; so other people from OpenLabs and BgLUG joined the group.
In the following months, Stefano, Martina, their colleagues and OpenLabs made most of the physical and technical work on-site, with our remote support. They worked in unison to get to the common goal and any hiccup was not treated as material for arguing but as a sincere opportunity to improve the overall project.

So the labs were now finished, but the work continues: the goal was not to have a bunch of machines work with a new OS, but being functional to the didactics and for teaching. And also to convey, to anyone that will use the labs, the fundamental message of **free and open source software**: a message of **freedom**, **collaboration** and **sharing**.
We are positive that we will pursue other form of collaboration with OpenLabs and with the teachers of the Alpi Institute, to further improve the quality of the training sessions or of the software provided.
From the technical point of view, nothing new arose: [**Edubuntu**][2] on the clients and the indispensable [**NethServer**][3] on all the servers met Ilaria Alpi Institute requirements and this now becomes a winning point of the project.
And now, full speed ahead with **the project**!!!
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: The «Mastri Caravaggini» Comprehensive Institute is “free”
author: pfinardi
type: post
date: 2015-09-18T22:00:37+00:00
url: /istituto-comprensivo-mastri-caravaggini-libero/
featured_image: Caravaggio_Mastri_01-320x180.jpg
- Case History
On Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 23:00, [«Mastri Caravaggini» Comprehensive Institute of Caravaggio (BG)][1] is "free": we have installed, configured and deployed the computer lab with **Linux** and **free software.**
Tonight a shared vision came true, a vision that started at the beginning of 2015 when the teacher that also managed the lab expressed the desire to switch to **Linux** and _opensource_ software.

After some meetings aimed at focusing the goals, the solution was presented to the Didactic Manager, who understood the significance of this project and gave his approval to the migration; the design phase began.
The school found another non-profit association that donated all the PCs and making structural laboratory cabling within a large classroom made available by the school.
A member of the [Bergamo Linux Users Group][2] donated a server by withdrawing it from a company he worked for, because it was no longer used.
Finally we have a perfectly working laboratory with:
* 1 server
* 1 PC for the teacher
* 24 PCs for the students divided into 4 "islands" with 6 PCs each
Now the lab is fully operational. In a few days, we will also start to train the the teachers.
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
title: The Episcopal Seminary of Bergamo goes to Linux
author: pfinardi
type: post
date: 2016-09-10T15:18:44+00:00
url: /seminario-vescovile-bergamo-alta-linux/
featured_image: seminario_bg_alta_Linux_00.jpg
- Case History
The [Episcopal's Seminary of Bergamo Alta][1] has joined, as already other schools before, our **LibreSchool** project, asking us to migrate their computer lab to **Linux** and free software.
On Monday, September 5, 2016 we were in their lab and after connecting the server (previously installed and configured), we completed the deployment of the lab installing and configuring the 25 computers of the lab.
Here is the contemporary deploy of 24 PCs (the teacher PC was already installed) via **PXE boot**:

As usual, the deployment operation has been greatly simplified, consisting in pressing a sequence of four keyboard keys (arrows included!) for each PC.
The lab is now complete and ready to be used.
In agreement with the School Manager, in a couple of weeks we started the training courses for the teachers: those on **Linux** held by us and then those on the **LibreOffice** suite held by volunteer from [LibreItalia][2].
Before concluding, we are pleased to let you know that **our project is attracting interest even outside the province of Bergamo**. In the last few months we have been contacted by the "Ilaria Alpi" Comprehensive Institute of Milan and by "Aristide Leonori" Comprehensive Institute in Rome, both interested in joining the project.
Not being able to satisfy them directly for logistical reasons we contacted other LUGs in Milan and Rome with whom we are collaborating to help those schools, and maybe go even further.
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title: Privacy Policy
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2017-09-24T09:49:49+00:00
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title: Project
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2016-12-10T15:55:31+00:00
**LibreSchool** project main goal is to support schools wishing to migrate or create new didactic laboratories using **GNU/Linux** operative system and **free and open source software** (FOSS).
And why this blending, **Linux** and **schools**, you ask? Any **community** involved in FOSS is _absolutely positive_ that **knowledge**** cannot exist without sharing**; so it is logic to us to let two different worlds, which basic phylosophies are sharing and knowledge, to make contact and fuse: open source communities and the schools.
Why should a school be interested in becoming part of our project, if we exclude the phylosophycal/ethical motivations already explained? It would be too simplistic to say that it would reduce ownership costs for IT, since a lot of open source solutions are _free as in beer_, but there is more than meets the eye. Here is a non-exhaustive list:
* **High quality**: the offered solutions are of high quality and because of this, they are used inside scientific environments (Geneve CERN, NASA), big companies (Google, Facebook, London Stock Exchange) and institutions (Italian Defence Ministry). For example, in our solution you may find the following didactic software:
* Word processor: _**LibreOffice Writer**_
* Spreadsheets: _LibreOffice Calc_
* Slides and keynotes: _LibreOffice Impress_
* Artistic drawing and photo-editing: _GIMP, Pensil, Tux Paint_
* Technical drawing: _LibreCAD, QCAD, FreeCAD_
* Flow charts and mental maps: _Dia, Freeplane, Vym_
* Vectorial graphics: _Inkscape, LibreOffice Draw_
* Maths and Geometry: _GeoGebra_
* Desktop publishing (for producing journals, brochures, flyers and a lot more): _Scribus_
* Electronics: _Fritzing_
* Didactical series for pre-scholar institutes: _GCompris_
* Astronomy: _Stellarium_
* **Security**: this has always been the strength of GNU/Linux;
* **Constant and automatic updates**: Operative system and _also installed programs_ are constantly and automatically upgraded, once a new version is a available, so no application becomes obsolete and insecure, as it usually happens with the proprietary ones;
* **Freedom**: Freedom of choice and use between a large number of softwares; this allows experiments and analysis of different software solutions, to check and verify which one would be the best fit for requirements and needs;
* **Lawfulness**: open source software is perfectly legal because it is _fully licensed_ by authors for sharing, study, modification and, of course, usage;
* **Old hardware re-use**: GNU/Linux is usually less resource-intensive than other proprietary operative systems; this permits to use old (not prehistoric, anyways 🙂 ) hardware and does not force to necessarily change hardware to create a new laboratory. This enables some money savings for the schools;
* **Helps family to follow didactics at home**: the same tools used at school by childrens and students can be downloaded from Internet, legally licensed and free to be used on home PCs, without imposing other expenses to the families (again, as proprietary software usually forces). Usually open source software is multiplatform (it can be used on many, if not all, operative systems, also if they are proprietary ones like Windows or macOS), so it can be used anywhere;
* **Technological updating**: as of today, a lot of laboratories in schools (at least in Italy) use the old Windows XP, which is deemed **unsupported** by Microsoft itself from April, 2014. This implies that in this OS any bugs or new security problems are not fixed nor corrected, leaving most of the laboratories and IT infrastructure **vulnerable** to newer types of attacks.
Other details on the **LibreSchool** project are described on the [training offer][1] page and on the [technical solution][2] page.
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title: Training
author: pfinardi
type: page
date: 2016-12-10T17:35:27+00:00
featured_image: /wp-content/uploads/2016/12/scuola-linux2-320x180.jpg
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Migrating to <em>free or open source software</em> (FOSS) may lead to small difficulties at the beginning, because the lack of knowledge of the new tools; <em>this is not</em> because FOSS is <em>difficult</em>, but for the same reason why you are not so good at driving a new car as you were with your old one: they are two different things!
For this precise reason, the <strong>LibreSchool</strong> project provides a wide training offer, targeted to people whose occupation is mainly didactics (teachers) or to who will maintain the laboratory in function.
With some more details, the following courses will be offered:
<strong>Basics</strong>: Course targets are teachers that are going to use the new infrastructure the project will provide. Course goal is to explain how to use proficiently a GNU/Linux operative system, making the most out of the <a href=""><em>features</em> of our technical implementation</a> to empower didactics;
<strong>Office automation</strong>: led by volunteers from <strong><a href="">LibreItalia</a></strong>, certified trainers as <a href="">The Document Foundation</a> requires, which targets all the teachers and has the goal to explain most of the software included in the productivity suite <a href=""><strong>LibreOffice</strong></a> so to achieve a good knowledge of the tool itself;
<strong>Specific software training</strong> (to be requested): targets the teachers which want to understand and fully use a specific didactic software;
<strong>Lab maintenance</strong>: targeted at the people which will be in charge of maintaining the operativity of the lab, the goal of the course is to provide the basic knowledge to allow them to be autonomous on the following aspects: user management, backups, deploy/redeploy of the client PCs, basic troubleshooting, web filter whitelisting and much more.
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