#!/usr/bin/perl # TODO: # - when a group is deleted, it changes type inside the database: # from "group" it becomes "group-deleted". # We still need to manage this, as we can't add a group with the same name # of a removed group. # - It looks like the above problem is present for users also. The error is: # Attempt to create account 'XXXXXXXX' which already exists in passwd at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/esmith/AccountsDB.pm line 493, line XXXXXXXX. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use esmith::AccountsDB; use esmith::event; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); my $file; my $separator = "\t"; my $add_existing_users_to_groups; my $remove_users; my $record; my $user_already_exists; my $displayHelp; my $accountsDb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Could not open accounts DB"); GetOptions ( "file=s" => \$file, "separator=s" => \$separator, "add_existing_users_to_groups" => \$add_existing_users_to_groups, "remove_users" => \$remove_users, "help" => \$displayHelp ) or displayHelp(); if ( $displayHelp ) { displayHelp(); } if ( $file ) { open(FH, "<", $file) or die; } else { open(FH, "-"); } while() { # Remove trailing whitespace: chomp $_; $_ =~ s/\s+$//; my ($username, $firstName, $lastName, $password, @groups) = split(/$separator/, $_); if( ! $username) { next; } if( ! $firstName && ! $remove_users) { warn "[WARNING] Account `$username` is missing FirstName column: skipped.\n"; next; } if( ! $lastName && ! $remove_users) { warn "[WARNING] Account `$username` is missing LastName column: skipped.\n"; next; } $user_already_exists = 0; $record = $accountsDb->get($username); if($record) { if ( $remove_users ) { $record->delete; warn "[INFO] deleted $username\n"; next; } else { if ( ! $add_existing_users_to_groups ) { warn "[WARNING] Account `$username` already registered: skipped.\n"; next; } else { $user_already_exists = 1; } } } if ( $remove_users ) { next; } GRP: foreach my $group (@groups) { next GRP if $group =~ /^-/; if(!$accountsDb->get($group)) { my $groupRecord = $accountsDb->new_record($group, { 'type' => 'group' }); warn "[INFO] created group $group.\n"; } } if ( ! $user_already_exists ) { my $record = $accountsDb->new_record($username, { 'type' => 'user', 'FirstName' => $firstName, 'LastName' => $lastName, 'Samba' => 'enabled' }); if( ! $record ) { warn "[ERROR] Account `$username` record creation failed.\n"; next; } if( ! esmith::event::event_signal('user-create', $username) ) { warn "[ERROR] Account `$username` user-create event failed.\n"; next; } if($password) { my ($pfh, $pfilename) = tempfile('import_users_XXXXX', UNLINK=>0, DIR=>'/tmp'); print $pfh $password; close($pfh); if( ! esmith::event::event_signal('password-modify', $username, $pfilename) ) { warn "[ERROR] Account `$username` user-create event failed.\n"; next; } unlink $pfilename; } } foreach my $group (@groups) { if ( $group =~ m/^\-/ ) { $group =~ s/^\-//; $accountsDb->remove_user_from_groups($username, $group); warn "[INFO] $username removed from group $group\n"; } else { $accountsDb->add_user_to_groups($username, $group); warn "[INFO] $username added to group $group\n"; } } warn "[INFO] imported $username\n"; } sub displayHelp { die("Usage: $0 [--file INPUTFILE] [--separator SEPARATOR] [--add_existing_users_to_groups] [--remove_users]\n"); }