fcc31bea1eCorrecting apt-mirror list. Using debian-installer files from trusty and not trusty updates.
Emiliano Vavassori2015-11-06 20:31:56 +01:00
6a8d3f5e8fChanging PXE boot entry order, defaulting to 'Boot from first local drive'.Emiliano Vavassori2015-11-06 01:00:36 +01:00
ed0ef3428fAllowing for an ansible.-pull.sh script to be run locally. for some reason, on a client, running curl directly within cron.d was not working.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-11 02:57:48 +02:00
12b06745acCorrecting cleanup of libreoffice ppa within apt-mirror.list. Correcting scripts for ansible-pull to include paths for executables.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-11 02:04:15 +02:00
3d498811d4Adding unattended-upgrades and dependencies to preseed files.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-05 20:27:26 +02:00
dd124c2938Moving pulseaudio-perms to templates to simplify management.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-04 22:15:15 +02:00
6ba188cee8Adding base package for class to preseeds. Moving checksum.fact on server, to be called at each run from clients.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-04 22:12:58 +02:00
18c4b64ff2Making ansible-pull.sh update crontab and logrotate each time it is executed.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-02 02:42:35 +02:00
a6bd1c6debSimplifying ansible-pull management, script to run ansible are run live from the server. Moved server-ca in its folder. Simplified post-ks scripts.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-02 02:33:59 +02:00
3f2be0b90aChanged pxe boot allowing fully automatized installation, removing also the warning on installer language support. Modified a little bit the preseed file to correctly respond to questions by d-i.Emiliano Vavassori2015-10-01 23:46:09 +02:00
b2bab82ee9Modifying kickstart to add preseeds. Added Edubuntu classic installation from pxe. Added to apt-mirror also libreoffice, allowing for libreoffice ppa installation.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-28 22:41:13 +02:00
a2e9ac6678More templating on post-ks scripts: if the server is a VM with Virtualbox, it is intended to be run from the global network, so the ansible ppa is installed from the web. If the server machine is not a VM, so it is plausible it has a local repo, so ansible package may be installed from the mirror.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-21 00:58:56 +02:00
dc9e5819c9Managing domain groups in a separate file. Updated doraemon required version. Adding installation for networkpackagemanager.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-11 23:12:14 +02:00
d622369cccFixing error in configuration: dhcp range has to be assigned to internal, not external, interface.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-06 23:15:13 +02:00
731386813dUsing defaults to configure DHCP server, missing from previous tests.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-06 22:49:50 +02:00
f21268a509Generalized function for installation of doraemon with defaults. Upgraded to latest version of doraemon.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-06 22:13:53 +02:00
2827596dc8Removed port forwarding from Vagrant. Host-only NIC has to be configured via provisioning, to cope with interface name change.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-06 20:35:27 +02:00
76f02d966dUpdated vagrant provisioning for box 1.1.0. Little corrections to tasks for network configuration on setup playbook.Emiliano Vavassori2015-09-06 14:51:36 +02:00
bf35227e2dCleaning up after creating some mess with certificates repository.Emiliano Vavassori2015-08-20 23:48:43 +02:00
800e37f371Integrating the server generated client inside firefox certificates. Publishing on ks share to be updatable by clients.Emiliano Vavassori2015-08-20 23:37:20 +02:00
be974a0ca2Idempotenting nethcfg tasks. Adding a stub task for certificate regeneration. Completed logrotation for ansible-pull script logfile.Emiliano Vavassori2015-08-20 23:02:53 +02:00
0f141d1ba7Fixing local facts not loading in init (installing PyYAML).Emiliano Vavassori2015-08-20 06:55:56 +02:00
fadce98ba1Enable unix extensions on samba to fix issues with Firefox (creating symlinks inside profile).Emiliano Vavassori2015-08-20 06:20:41 +02:00