#!/bin/bash # Fixing base variables basedir=/var/lib/{{ ansible_local.domain.domainfull }} # Making sure destination folder exists. /usr/bin/install -d -o root -g users ${basedir}/bin # Update this script itself /usr/bin/wget -q http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/paperms/paperms.sh -O ${basedir}/bin/paperms.sh /bin/chown root:users ${basedir}/bin/paperms.sh /bin/chmod a+x ${basedir}/bin/paperms.sh # Updating cronjob /usr/bin/wget -q http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/paperms/cronjob -O /etc/cron.d/paperms /bin/chown root:root /etc/cron.d/paperms /bin/chmod 0644 /etc/cron.d/paperms # Removing old versions of the cronjob rm -f /etc/cron.d/pulseaudio-perms # Updating logrotate /usr/bin/wget -q http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/paperms/logrotate -O /etc/logrotate.d/paperms /bin/chown root:root /etc/logrotate.d/paperms /bin/chmod 0644 /etc/logrotate.d/paperms # Updating updategrp.py /usr/bin/wget -q http://{{ ansible_local.domain.serverfqdn }}/ks/paperms/updategrp.py -O ${basedir}/bin/updategrp.py /bin/chown root:users ${basedir}/bin/updategrp.py /bin/chmod a+x ${basedir}/bin/updategrp.py # Main part: run updategrp.py /usr/bin/wbinfo -t && /usr/bin/python2 ${basedir}/bin/updategrp.py "domain users" "pulse" || echo "Not in domain." /usr/bin/wbinfo -t && /usr/bin/python2 ${basedir}/bin/updategrp.py "domain users" "pulse-access" || echo "Not in domain."