--- # Installing and configuring DHCP and DNS - name: Installing DHCP and DNS related NethServer packages. yum: name: nethserver-dnsmasq state: present # DHCP - name: Checking DHCP configuration shell: /sbin/e-smith/db dhcp getprop {{ intnic }} DhcpRangeStart ignore_errors: true register: chk_dhcp - name: Configuring DHCP shell: /sbin/e-smith/db dhcp set {{ intnic }} range DhcpRangeStart {{ ansible_local.domain.dhcprange_start }} DhcpRangeEnd {{ ansible_local.domain.dhcprange_end }} status enabled when: chk_dhcp|failed - name: Activating DHCP shell: /sbin/e-smith/signal-event nethserver-dnsmasq-save when: chk_dhcp|failed # DNS - name: Checking DNS configuration shell: /sbin/e-smith/db configuration printprop dns NameServers register: chk_dns changed_when: "'NameServers={{ ansible_local.domain.extdnsserver1 }},{{ ansible_local.domain.extdnsserver2 }}' not in chk_dns.stdout" ignore_errors: yes - name: Configuring DNS shell: /sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop dns role resolver NameServers "{{ ansible_local.domain.extdnsserver1 }},{{ ansible_local.domain.extdnsserver2 }}" when: chk_dns|changed - name: Activating DNS shell: /sbin/e-smith/signal-event nethserver-dnsmasq-save when: chk_dns|changed # Avahi - name: Installing avahi-daemon yum: name: nethserver-avahi state: present