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Default password for project

  • NS Box root user: vagrant
  • NS Box vagrant user: vagrant
  • Vault Password: v4ul+Password!
  • amgmt user (server): DoN0t4g3t!
  • bglug user (client): s4lamanDr@
  • admin user (domain): R0busTdom41nPa55wd!

How to change passwords for production deployments

root and vagrant users

These will not be required, since you will not have a virtual machine to manage via Vagrant.

Vault password

Clone client-pull-installation then, in the working copy, launch following commands:

$ ansible-vault rekey domainpwd.vault

ansible-vault will ask one time the old password and two times the new one.

amgmt user (server-side)

Clone server-config then, in the working copy, generate a new password hash with the follwing command:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512

The command would ask for the password to be hashed. Please copy the result string.

Open up the file roles/init/tasks/mgmtuser.yml, find out password: and then replace previous hash with the one you have just created.

bglug user (client side but preseeded)

Create a new password hash with:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512

Copy the hash after the colon of the option client_admin_crypted_password in domain.yml.

admin user (domain valid)

Password must be specified within NethServer interface for the admin user and must be absolutely equal to the one contained inside vault file.

Clone client-pull-installation, create new branch and modify the password inside domainpwd.vault:

$ ansible-vault edit domainpwd.vault

The system would ask for the vault password. Change the plain text password with your editor.