78 lines
2.5 KiB
78 lines
2.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""API to map MAC addresses to hostnames"""
from contextlib import contextmanager, closing
from subprocess import check_output
from sqlite3 import connect
from bottle import route, run, request
from json import dumps
import re
import os
__author__ = "Enrico Bacis"
__email__ = "enrico.bacis@gmail.com"
# Aggiunta di Emiliano Vavassori <syntaxerrormmm-AT-gmail.com>
# Configuring default directories for the program
dbdir = '/var/lib/mac2hostname'
logdir = '/var/log/mac2hostname'
piddir = '/var/run/mac2hostname'
# Will create a PID file to be used with init.d script
pid = os.getpid()
op = open(piddir + '/service.pid', 'w')
op.write("%s" % pid)
def getcursor(db = dbdir + 'mac2hostname.db'):
with connect(db) as connection:
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
yield cursor
def init_tables():
with getcursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS client (id INT PRIMARY KEY,'
cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxmac ON client(mac)')
def normalizemac(mac):
return ':'.join(x.zfill(2) for x in mac.split(':')).upper()
def gethostname(mac, base=None):
mac, base = normalizemac(mac), base or 'lab'
with getcursor() as cursor:
(newid,) = cursor.execute('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(id)+1, 1) FROM client').fetchone()
cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO client VALUES (%s, "%s-%s", "%s")' % (newid, base, newid, mac))
(hostname,) = cursor.execute('SELECT hostname FROM client WHERE mac = "%s"' % mac)
return hostname
def getmac(ip):
check_output(['ping', '-c1', '-t2', ip])
arp = check_output(['arp', '-n', ip])
return re.search(r'(([\da-fA-F]{1,2}\:){5}[\da-fA-F]{1,2})', arp).group(1)
def hosts():
with getcursor() as cursor:
return dumps([dict((meta[0], data)
for meta, data in zip(cursor.description, row))
for row in cursor.execute('SELECT hostname, mac FROM client ORDER BY id')], indent=4)
def mac2hostname():
mac, base = request.query.mac, request.query.base
if not mac:
return 'Usage: GET /mac2hostname?mac=XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX[&base=YYY]'
return gethostname(mac, base)
def whatsmyhostname():
ip = request.query.ip or request['REMOTE_ADDR']
return gethostname(getmac(ip), request.query.base)
if __name__ == '__main__':
run(host='', port=3000)