{{ define "main" }}
        <h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ .Description }}</p>

        {{- with .GetTerms "author" }}
            {{- range . -}}
            <div class="author">
                di <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}

        {{ if .Site.Params.show_post_dates | default true }}
            {{- with .Date }}<time>{{ . | time.Format ":date_medium" }}</time>{{ end }}
        {{ end }}
        {{- with .Params.location_link -}}
        <div class="location">{{ T "location" }}: {{ . | markdownify }}</div>
        {{ end }}
        {{- with .Params.license -}}
        <div class="license">{{ T "license" }}: {{ . | markdownify }}</div>
        {{ end }}
        {{ partial "tags.html" . }}

    {{- $image_src := "" }}
    {{- $image_alt := "" }}
    {{- $image_caption := "" }}

    {{/* priorità maggiore: image_post */}}
    {{- if .Params.image_post }}
        {{- $image_src = .Params.image_post.src }}
        {{- with .Params.image_post.alt }}
            {{- $image_alt = . }}
        {{-  end }}
        {{- with .Params.image_post.caption }}
            {{- $image_caption = . }}
        {{-  end }}
    {{-  end }}
    {{/* in alternativa uso il metodo vecchio */}}
    {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image }}
        {{- $image_src = .Params.image }}
        {{- with .Params.image_alt }}
            {{- $image_alt = . }}
        {{-  end }}
        {{- with .Params.image_caption }}
            {{- $image_caption = . }}
        {{-  end }}
    {{-  end }}

    {{- if $image_src }}
        {{- $image := .Page.Resources.GetMatch $image_src }}
        {{- $maxHeight := 600 -}}
        {{- $ratio := 2.33 -}}

        <span class="image featured"><figure>
        {{- if gt $image.Height $maxHeight -}}
            {{- $image = $image.Resize (printf "x%d webp q50" $maxHeight) -}}
        {{- end -}}
        <img src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $image_alt }}" {{- if ge (mul $image.Height $ratio) $image.Width -}}style="width: auto;" {{- end -}}/>
        {{- with $image_caption -}} 
        <figcaption style="max-width: {{- $image.Width -}}px;">{{- . | markdownify -}}</figcaption>
        {{- end -}}
    {{ end }}

    {{- .Content }}

    {{ if (findRE "<pre" .Content 1) }}
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                           leaving the button in a focused state. */
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                        button.innerText = 'Error';
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