diff --git a/layouts/_default/shortblock_common.html b/layouts/_default/shortblock_common.html
index a8e8413c..6c764ae6 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/shortblock_common.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/shortblock_common.html
@@ -1,41 +1,52 @@
- {{ $rasters := slice "jpeg" "png" }}
{{ $newres := "360x250 smart" }}
+ {{- $image_src := "" }}
+ {{- $image_alt := "" }}
+ {{- $image_caption := "" }}
{{/* immagine di default */}}
- {{- $featimg := (resources.Get "/images/placeholder_elenco.png").RelPermalink -}}
+ {{- $image := (resources.Get "/images/placeholder_elenco.png") -}}
- {{- if .Params.image -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.image -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else if .Params.featured -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.featured -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else -}}
- {{/* altrimenti prendo la prima risorsa immagine disponibile */}}
- {{- $img := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "**" -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}
+ {{/* priorità maggiore: image_list */}}
+ {{- if .Params.image_list }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image_list.src }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_list.alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_list.caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}

+ {{/* in alternativa: image_post */}}
+ {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image_post }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image_post.src }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{/* in alternativa uso il metodo vecchio */}}
+ {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $image_src }}
+ {{- $image = .Page.Resources.GetMatch $image_src }}
+ {{- end}}
+ {{- $image = $image.Fill $newres -}}
diff --git a/layouts/_default/single.html b/layouts/_default/single.html
index 6311a32e..6ea78133 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/single.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/single.html
@@ -23,34 +23,44 @@
{{ partial "tags.html" . }}
- {{- if or .Params.image .Params.featured }}
+ {{- $image_src := "" }}
+ {{- $image_alt := "" }}
+ {{- $image_caption := "" }}
+ {{/* priorità maggiore: image_post */}}
+ {{- if .Params.image_post }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image_post.src }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{/* in alternativa uso il metodo vecchio */}}
+ {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $image_src }}
+ {{- $image := .Page.Resources.GetMatch $image_src }}
{{- $maxHeight := 600 -}}
{{- $ratio := 2.33 -}}
- {{ $rasters := slice "jpeg" "png" }}
- {{- $img := "#" -}}
- {{- if .Params.image -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img = .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.image -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Params.featured -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img = .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.featured -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- if gt $img.Height $maxHeight -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Resize (printf "x%d webp q50" $maxHeight) -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{ else }}
+ {{- if gt $image.Height $maxHeight -}}
+ {{- $image = $image.Resize (printf "x%d webp q50" $maxHeight) -}}
{{- end -}}
- {{- with .Params.image_caption -}}
- {{- . | markdownify -}}
+ {{- with $image_caption -}}
+ {{- . | markdownify -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/_default/taxonomyshortblock.html b/layouts/_default/taxonomyshortblock.html
index 552f18c5..5ba7873e 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/taxonomyshortblock.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/taxonomyshortblock.html
@@ -1,42 +1,53 @@
+ {{ $newres := "360x250 webp q50 smart" }}
- {{ $rasters := slice "jpeg" "png" }}
- {{ $newres := "360x250 smart" }}
+ {{- $image_src := "" }}
+ {{- $image_alt := "" }}
+ {{- $image_caption := "" }}
{{/* immagine di default */}}
- {{- $featimg := (resources.Get "/images/placeholder_autore.png").RelPermalink -}}
+ {{- $image := (resources.Get "/images/placeholder_autore.png") -}}
- {{- if .Params.image -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.image -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else if .Params.featured -}}
- {{/* se è stata definita un'immagine featured */}}
- {{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Params.featured -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else -}}
- {{/* altrimenti prendo la prima risorsa immagine disponibile */}}
- {{- $img := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "**" -}}
- {{- if $img -}}
- {{- if in $rasters $img.MediaType.SubType -}}
- {{- $img = $img.Fill $newres -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- $featimg = $img.RelPermalink -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}
+ {{/* priorità maggiore: image_list */}}
+ {{- if .Params.image_list }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image_list.src }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_list.alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_list.caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}

+ {{/* in alternativa: image_post */}}
+ {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image_post }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image_post.src }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_post.caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{/* in alternativa uso il metodo vecchio */}}
+ {{- if and (not $image_src) .Params.image }}
+ {{- $image_src = .Params.image }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_alt }}
+ {{- $image_alt = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Params.image_caption }}
+ {{- $image_caption = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $image_src }}
+ {{- $image = .Page.Resources.GetMatch $image_src }}
+ {{- end}}
+ {{- $image = $image.Fill $newres -}}
{{ if .Site.Params.show_post_dates | default true }}