# libreschool-iso

[![Build Status](https://drone.libreschool.org/api/badges/paspo/libreschool-iso/status.svg)](https://drone.libreschool.org/paspo/libreschool-iso)

This tool automates the generation of LibreSchool iso

## how to locally create your ISO file

First, download the build container:
docker pull registry.libreschool.org/libreschool-automation/libreschool-iso-builder:latest

Then start it with these parameters:
docker run --rm \
  -v "$PWD:/drone/src" \
  -w "/drone/src" \

If you want to skip the download of the source ISO, you can provide an already downloaded one:
docker run --rm \
  -v "$PWD:/drone/src" \
  -v "$HOME/Downloads/nethserver-7.6.1810-x86_64.iso:/source.iso:ro" \
  -w "/drone/src" \

## TODO:

- [ ] FIX images
- [ ] package group
- [x] Rename network interface
- [ ] Enforce the minimum required network interfaces (anaconda)
- [ ] PXE + Preseed (external package)