--- title: About us type: page slug: who --- Since 2001 **Bglug** is a non-profit cultural association whose main purposes are the spread of free software, the Linux operating system in particular and the aggregation of users in Bergamo area. We believe in the meaning of the **free and opensource software** (Foss) which goes far beyond the merely technical or economic aspect. We think that the principles of sharing knowledge that underlie free and openource software are formative and educational. For this reason we believe that schools **primarily** should adopt it and we propose to support who want to take this path. ### Mailing List An important point of reference for Bglug's activity is the mailing list. You can register through [this page](http://lists.linux.it/listinfo/bglug) by entering your email address and a password. ### Board of directors It is possible to contact the [board of directors](/organigramma) by [mail](mailto:info@bglug.it). Please use this address only for administrative issues and to use the mailing list for any other purpose. ### Mattermost Another group communication tool is a collaborative chat based on the **OpenSource** solution [Mattermost](https://mattermost.com/). It is possible to freely register for public channels [here](https://chat.libreschool.org/signup_user_complete/?id=9cnb7f56wtn7xn5foe88kkomby). ### Statute To better understand what are the purposes and how the BGLUG works we recommend reading the [Statute](Statuto.pdf) (sorry, only in Italian). ### Legal information Bergamo Linux Users Group non-profit cultural association Via Elba, 3 - 24122 Bergamo (BG) C.F. 95128590163 [info(at)bglug.it](mailto:info@bglug.it)