The technical implementation of the project includes the following steps:
* Audit the lab hardware, evaluating its compliance to the technical requirements of the project by checking the PCs and its networking;
* Conclusion of pending works to fulfull technical compliance of the lab;
* Deployment of the server system;
* Deployment of the client PCs in semi-automatic mode;
* Quality check/test based on the technical objectives of the project.
Deployment of the server, client PCs and the lab network is usually completed before the beginning of the training session, so that the lab can be available in its final form also for the training purposes.
The proposed technical solution has the following objectives:
* **Centralized authentication**. Like in enterprise environments, where
accounts and permissions to available infrastructural resources are
managed at a single point, our solution also provides the ability to handle
creation, modification, changing the password and granting permissions on the
entire infrastructure or part of it from a single _web console_, available
from any PCs inside the lab;
* **Sharing files**. Sharing is an integral part of our project and a key
feature in the classroom context. Our solution allows file sharing using
common enterprise-level protocols, compatible with other proprietary operating
systems, to allow maximum efficiency in sharing;
* **Web content filtering**. It is important to make students aware of the
non-positive and non-instructive nature of some web sites. We believe it
is essential to provide a safe and trusted environment for teaching in the
lab; we provide it by activating a web traffic filtering solution that comply
with the law and with the specific requirements of the individual class. Our
solution includes customizable web filters with a few clicks from the system
* **Optimize bandwidth connectivity**. Our solution implements an outbound
bandwidth optimization system (forward proxy) for Internet surfing and OS
upgrades, to ensure efficient and affordable performance even for schools that
do not have good quality connections;
* **Efficient data backup of the lab**. We all know how important your data
is, so backupping important file is crucial. Our solution implements an
efficient backup system with easy-to-use interface for the administrators;
* **Roaming profiles**. All the data and configurations of all users will be
on the server. This allows the solution to be client-independent: in case
of malfunctioning on the clients, they can thus be replaced without worrying
about restoring their content. Also, this further helps the centralised
management of the backups.
The solution, despite its high technological content, has been studied so that
the laboratory can be managed by people without special technical skills.