--- - name: "Configuro il pc docente come Epoptes Server" replace: regexp: "^#SOCKET_GROUP=epoptes$" replace: 'SOCKET_GROUP="{{ domainshort }}\docenti"' dest: /etc/default/epoptes sudo: yes when: role == 'docenti' - name: Trovo il nome dell'epoptes server get_url: url: "http://{{ serverfqdn }}:3000/epoptes-srv" dest: /tmp/epoptes-srv when: role == 'client' register: get_epo_srv_name - name: Verifico il nome, altrimenti salto shell: cat /tmp/epoptes-srv register: epo_srv_name when: role == 'client' and get_epo_srv_name|changed changed_when: "'none' not in epo_srv_name.stdout" - name: Configuro il client per Epoptes replace: regexp: "^#SERVER=server" replace: "SERVER={{ epo_srv_name.stdout }}" dest: /etc/default/epoptes-client when: role == 'client' and epo_srv_name|changed sudo: yes - name: Prendo il certificato shell: "test -f /etc/epoptes/server.crt || /usr/sbin/epoptes-client -c" sudo: yes when: role == 'client' and epo_srv_name|changed register: crt_epo_srv - name: Riavvio il client alla ricezione di un certificato. shell: /bin/true when: role == 'client' and crt_epo_srv|changed notify: - reboot - name: Pulisco file: path: /tmp/epoptes-srv state: absent sudo: yes when: get_epo_srv_name|changed