--- title: The «Mastri Caravaggini» Comprehensive Institute is “free” author: pfinardi type: post date: 2015-09-18T22:00:37+00:00 url: istituto-comprensivo-mastri-caravaggini-libero featured_image: Caravaggio_Mastri_01-320x180.jpg categories: - Case History --- On Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 23:00, [«Mastri Caravaggini» Comprehensive Institute of Caravaggio (BG)][1] is "free": we have installed, configured and deployed the computer lab with **Linux** and **free software.** Tonight a shared vision came true, a vision that started at the beginning of 2015 when the teacher that also managed the lab expressed the desire to switch to **Linux** and _opensource_ software. ![Mastri Caravaggini Linux](Caravaggio_Mastri_02.jpg) After some meetings aimed at focusing the goals, the solution was presented to the Didactic Manager, who understood the significance of this project and gave his approval to the migration; the design phase began. The school found another non-profit association that donated all the PCs and making structural laboratory cabling within a large classroom made available by the school. A member of the [Bergamo Linux Users Group][2] donated a server by withdrawing it from a company he worked for, because it was no longer used. Finally we have a perfectly working laboratory with: * 1 server * 1 PC for the teacher * 24 PCs for the students divided into 4 "islands" with 6 PCs each Now the lab is fully operational. In a few days, we will also start to train the the teachers. [1]: http://www.icmastricaravaggini.gov.it/ [2]: https://bglug.it