# nethserver-networkpackagemanager ---------------------------------- [![Build Status](https://drone.libreschool.org/api/badges/LibreSchool/nethserver-networkpackagemanager/status.svg)](https://drone.libreschool.org/LibreSchool/nethserver-networkpackagemanager) *NetworkPackageManager* is a [NethServer][1] plugin used to define the linux packages to be installed on remote Ansible-managed machines having defined roles. ## Usage ---------------------------------- The plugins shows a table where each line represents a role. For each role it is possible to define a list of packages to be installed and a list of packages to be removed from all the machines assigned to that role. The informations are stored in a NethServer *e-smith* database called `roles`, which can be queries with: db roles getjson ## Installation ---------------------------------- You just have to copy the directories `Module`, `Template` and `Language` in: /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer You should end up with the following files: * `/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/NetworkPackageManager.php` * `/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Template/NetworkPackageManager/CreateUpdate.php` * `/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Language/en/NethServer_Module_NetworkPackageManager.php` * `/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Language/it/NethServer_Module_NetworkPackageManager.php` After that, the entry *Network Package Manager* should be listed in the *Administration* section of your NethServer installation. ## TODO ---------------------------------- * We still have to create the Help file with information shown to the system administrator in the help tab. [1]: http://www.nethserver.org