# `nethserver-profilemgr` # [![Build Status](https://drone.libreschool.org/api/badges/LibreSchool/nethserver-profilemgr/status.svg)](https://drone.libreschool.org/LibreSchool/nethserver-profilemgr) ## Progetto Scuola [ BgLUG][bglug] - Scenery 1 ## ## What is and what problems solve ## This package has to be used to simplify the administrators needs, cleaning up some mess inside user profiles that accumulates overtime. For the moment, the only interface enabled is via `signal-event`. Three new events has been added: * `profile-clean`: which cleans up all the files inside the profile; * `profile-gui-clean`: which cleans up all the desktop-specific settings, preserving (where possible) also the settings for other applications; * `profile-lo-clean`: which cleans up the LibreOffice configuration folder for the specific user. ### Usage ### # signal-event profile-clean lab01 # signal-event profile-gui-clean lab02 # signal-event profile-lo-clean lab03 [bglug]: http://bglug.it "BgLUG Homepage" [ubuntu]: http://www.ubuntu.com [samba]: http://www.samba.org [nethserver]: http://www.nethserver.org [server-config]: https://github.com/bglug-it/server-config [client-pull-installation]: https://github.com/bglug-it/client-pull-installation [bottle]: http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html [ansible]: http://www.ansible.com [sqlite]: https://www.sqlite.org/ [gplv2]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html [enrico bacis]: https://github.com/enricobacis [ansible-dynamic-inventory]: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/developing_inventory.html [epoptes]: http://www.epoptes.org/