--- # Cambio nome interfacce - name: Removing old interface names file: path: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules state: absent become: yes - name: Forcing recreation of {{ extnic }} shell: "INTERFACE=eth0 MATCHADDR={{ ansible_eth0.macaddress }} INTERFACE_NAME={{ extnic }} /lib/udev/write_net_rules" become: yes - name: Forcing recreation of {{ intnic }} shell: "INTERFACE=eth1 MATCHADDR={{ ansible_eth1.macaddress }} INTERFACE_NAME={{ intnic }} /lib/udev/write_net_rules" become: yes - name: Pulizia vecchie interfacce shell: "/sbin/e-smith/db networks delete {{ item }}" become: yes with_items: - eth0 - eth1 - name: Creo interfaccia esterna in NethServer shell: /sbin/e-smith/db networks set {{ extnic }} ethernet bootproto dhcp device {{ extnic }} hwaddr {{ ansible_eth0.macaddress }} onboot yes peerdns yes role red become: yes - name: Creo interfaccia interna in NethServer shell: /sbin/e-smith/db networks set {{ intnic }} ethernet bootproto none device {{ intnic }} hwaddr {{ ansible_eth1.macaddress }} ipaddr netmask onboot yes role green become: yes - name: Trigger interfaces configuration shell: "ifdown eth0; ifdown eth1; udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger; /sbin/e-smith/signal-event interface-update" become: yes