# Ansible configuration playbooks for SMB domain controller with [NethServer](http://www.nethserver.org/) # ![BgLUG logo](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/12886037?v=3&s=200) ## Progetto Scuola @ [BgLUG](http://bglug.it) - Scenary 1 ## Here there are [Ansible](http://www.ansible.com/) configuration for a SMB domain controller with the use of a NethServer server. It presume a machine with NethServer has been already been configured as base (please check out the [wiki](https://github.com/bglug-it/server-config/wiki) for more information, when available). ### Quick start ### You may proceed in using the files in this repo proceeding as follows: $ vim hosts $ vim domain.yml $ ansible-playbook init.yml --ask-pass \ -e "admin_sshkey=/path/to/id_rsa.pub" $ ansible-playbook setup.yml Or, more simply: $ bash run.sh ### Use [`vagrant`](http://www.vagrantup.com) for testing purposes ### You may use the included `Vagrantfile` to do any tests before deploying the machine. You just need `vagrant` installed on your machine, then you may run these commands: $ cd /path/to/server-config $ vagrant up Update 14/06/2015: some basic configuration to the Vagrant box are now provisioned via Ansible, thus requiring that you have it installed on the host machine. Update 25/06/2015: the Vagrant box now uses a *host-only* interface instead of a *bridged* one. ### To Do List ### * Splitting and finalize pxe roles (pxe + kickstart) * Implement backup * Detail physical installation procedure for the server machine within the Wiki.