Ansible playbooks for a SAMBA domain controller with NethServer - Progetto Scuola, BgLUG.
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2015-07-21 22:08:10 +02:00
roles Split pxe and kickstart roles. 2015-07-21 22:08:10 +02:00
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.gitignore Aggiunta Vagrantfile. Gestione riconfigurazione pochi servizi di nethserver. 2015-04-21 09:53:26 +02:00
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domain.yml Modifica dominio locale per problemi con mdns. 2015-06-25 20:46:03 +02:00
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init.yml Separati compiti playbook init e setup. Prima spostata installazione pacchetti NethServer specifici spostati nel ruolo nethcfg. 2015-06-14 02:58:47 +02:00 Other aesthetic changes to README. 2015-07-21 21:28:15 +02:00 Tolto chiamata di sr-pxe.yml da 2015-07-15 00:53:40 +02:00
setup.yml Gestite meglio dipendenze per l'installazione sul client. Non c'è più bisogno dei ruoli di test, basta usare i tag. 2015-07-07 19:30:58 +02:00
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Ansible configuration playbooks for SMB domain controller with NethServer

Progetto Scuola BgLUG Logo BgLUG - Scenary 1

Starting from a NethServer configured machine (please check out the wiki), these playbooks provision a SMB domain controller which can be used with a network of Ubuntu clients.

Using the default settings, it will also provide an environment to boot from network, install and configure the clients, using a local copy of Ubuntu's repositories.

Quick start

You may proceed in using the files in this repo proceeding as follows:

$ vim hosts
$ vim domain.yml
$ ansible-playbook init.yml --ask-pass \
     -e "admin_sshkey=/path/to/"
$ ansible-playbook setup.yml 

Or, more simply:

$ bash

Use vagrant for testing purposes

You may use the included Vagrantfile to do any tests before deploying the machine.

You just need vagrant and ansible installed on the host machine, then you may run the following commands:

$ cd /path/to/server-config
$ vagrant up

Update 14/06/2015: some basic configurations to the Vagrant box are now provisioned via Ansible, thus making it a dependency.

Update 25/06/2015: the Vagrant box now uses a host-only interface instead of a bridged one.

To Do List

  • Splitting and finalize pxe roles (pxe + kickstart)
  • Implement backup
  • Detail physical installation procedure for the server machine within the Wiki.