The BgLUG will participate at the meeting of the Italian communities organized by FSFE, specifically our associate Andrea Laisa will give a brief talk sharing insights on the [reading of Ada & Zangemann that we held at the Dalmine library]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-10-01-resoconto-evento-lettura-adaz-dalmine/" >}}). Follow us online.
This meeting is important for building a network of connections among the associations that will be present, to share experiences, join forces, and propose new activities for the future.
> The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFSCON, is one of Europe's most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFSCON promotes the use of Free Software in digital infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired.
Read the Talk Agenda and participate, even remotely. All the necessary information can be found on the [SFSCON website](