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omar 2024-07-10 21:34:59 +02:00
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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
title: "Eventi del 2016 al BGlug"
date: 2016-12-30T12:00:00+00:00
#expiryDate: # set this if the post should be removed automatically some time in the future
#publishDate: # set this if the post should be published automatically some time in the future
draft: true
slug: "eventi-2016"
type: post
image: # if you don't specify an image, the first available is used
image_alt: description of the featured image. The image ratio should be 360x250.
summary: Ecco l'elenco riassuntivo degli incontri organizzati dal BGlug durante il 2016
- eventi
- Eventi
**These are the events we proposed in 2016**
- [Embedded Linux: a small small penguin](#embedded-linux-a-small-small-penguin)
- [3D printing course with open source tools](#3d-printing-course-with-open-source-tools)
- [Community Wi-Fi networks: how they work (Ninux)](#community-wi-fi-networks-how-they-work-ninux)
- [Introduction to Linux](#introduction-to-linux)
- [Installation Party](#installation-party)
- [Nethserver, the Linux server distribution simple to use](#nethserver-the-linux-server-distribution-simple-to-use)
- [Bitcoin, what it is and how it is used](#bitcoin-what-it-is-and-how-it-is-used)
- [low -level code optimization](#low--level-code-optimization)
## Embedded Linux: a small small penguin
*09 March 2016*
**Luca Ceresoli**, Head of Embedded software designer at Comelit S.r.l, will present: Embedded Linux: a small small penguin
*An embedded system is a computer but it doesn't seem.It can have infinite variants: peripherals, memories, form ... the only rule is that there are no rules!Let's find out how complex a tiny Linux system is.Then we find out how it can become simple with Buildroot by giving life to an ARM card.*
## 3D printing course with open source tools
_13 and 20 April 2016_
**Simone Branchi **, maker and head of the [Fablab Bergamo Machine Department] ( and founder of 3DP Bergamo, will introduce us to the fascinating world of 3D printing made with open source tools.
On the evenings of Wednesday **April 13**a nd Wednesday **April 20** The expert makers of Fablab Bergamo will provide the BGLUG members with a short but complete overview of the printing methods on the market, on 3D modeling and the use of theFilament fusion printer.
Below is the program of deepening evenings.
**evening 1/2 - Wednesday 13 April 2016**
- 3D printing, uses and technologies.A general overview.
- 3D modeling: how to solve a problem.
- The 3D printer at first sight.
**evening 2/2 - Wednesday 20 April 2016**
- A car to handle carefully.
- Pre print configurations.
- Start the first print.
- Post print configurations.
**The course is reserved for members of the Bglug** association (Bergamo Linux Users Group).If you are not already registered or have not renewed the registration for the year 2016, you can register or renew the registration by paying the membership fee during an ordinary Wednesday evening meeting (from 9.30 pm at the meeting room of thePolasco space).It will be possible to enroll in the BGLUG to participate in the course in question until Wednesday 6 April 2016. Further information on the event will be provided by e-mail to the members of the BGLUG members mailing list.
To access the course, the partner of the BGLUG must **Book** The ticket [here] ( and **present it** to both evenings of the event.
The course does not include the first free print and automatic qualification for the use of 3D printers.
The use outside the proposed course is allowed to the members Fablab Bergamo who took the qualification test.This is to ensure greater security for laboratory users and reduce extraordinary maintenance due to an unaware use of the printer that can make the guarantee conditions decay.
## Community Wi-Fi networks: how they work (Ninux)
*23 March 2016*
**Davide Rossin**, active partner of the **bglug**, will tell us about **community wi-fi** networks, of the concept of **Mesh** network and of the Italian reality (**[](**).The meeting is also an opportunity for an open discussion on the antennas that could be installed in Bergamo and its province to start the initiative locally as already happened in other areas of Italy.
## Introduction to Linux
_11 March 2016_
The **Bergamo Linux Users Group** wants to dedicate an introductory evening to **Linux** and free software in general.The evening is mainly dedicated, but not only, to those who are approaching or to those who want to approach this operating system.
**Linux** has grown a lot in recent years becoming a mature, simple and reliable operating system for any area, both Home and Business.The time when only the "smonetts" could use it was far;There are still "difficult" distributions to manage for those who do not have in -depth skills, but there are also many distributions decidedly accessible and usable by anyone.
Today we all use **Linux**, often without knowing it: we find it in the network devices that we use at home and at work, in smartphones and tablets, in smart TVs, in appliances, home automation, cars and obviously on the serverswho manage the services we use daily (Google, Facebook and Dropbox to name a few).Why not start using it also on your PC?
To facilitate the approach, the main differences between **Linux** and other owner operating systems such as Windows or OSX will be explained, describing the pros and cons (exist? 😉).
Themes relating to **IT security** will also be deepened and there will be references to the very wide choice offered in terms of graphic customization and in general of the entire system.
In some ways **Linux** is the only operating system that is addictive, when you start using it hardly you can stop because you get to such a level of customization that becomes yours.No other owner operating system can give you the same feeling ... not even the most "cool" one (you understand which one? 😛).
Those interested can [register for the event] ( **FREE** followed by a large space of questions and answers to learn morefurther any aspect you are interested in.
## Installation Party
_25 May 2016_
After the [**Linux Presentation Day**] ( of Saturday 30 April and [Introductory evening to ** Linux**] ( of Wednesday 11 May, the **bglug** wants to dedicate an evening to anyone who wants to install **Linux ** on your PC or has already installed it but has some difficulties with peripherals or other aspects of the configuration.
Those who have been following us for years know that the **Installation Party** is a fixed point of the **Linux Day** that we do in October, but this year, given the aforementioned events, we want to double the effort and make available to usfor all those interested.
In truth, those who know us know that every Wednesday we are available to those interested in approaching this operating system, but the **Installation Party** is something special for the organization and resources put in place butespecially for the atmosphere that is created.
To all those interested, especially if they want to install **Linux** in dual boot with Windows, we recommend two fundamental operations to do **before coming** with us:
- Backup of all their data
- defragmentation of the disc which must be partially parted for the installation of Linux
If you are interested [subscribe] ( Installation-party-2493884921) in order to give us the opportunity to better understand the resources we must make available.The event is obviously **free**.
## Nethserver, the Linux server distribution simple to use
_28 June 2016_
*Nethserver, innovated distribution **Linux** for corporate server explained by the creators.All the efficiency and stability of Linux Server managed with a simple but effective web interface to offer all the main services necessary for companies: Domain Controller, File Server, Content Filter, Proxy, Mail Server and much more*
This event is certainly addressed to the world **Business** and to the professionals of the **it**, but it can be interesting for anyone, from the Educational world to the private individual who wants to configure a "home" server.
The friends of [**Nethserver**] will come to visit us (, the*community manager*and one of the main developers.We had the first contacts with them thanks to the fact that we use their distribution for our project [**Linux goes to school **] ( we met them in person at the **Fadem 2016** of Brussels and we invited them to come and see us.
**Nethserver** is a **Linux** based on **centos** completely managed via **Web interface**. Created and supported by **Nethesis srl**, a Pesaro company that was born in 2003 using the opensource as a business model, it has beyond [3000 active installations in the world] ( home/Widget_MAP.TML) and, with the ease of use, it combines a huge variety of services by offering the possibility of being used even for only one of them.Some of the main services are:
- Domain controller
- Server file
- VPN (IPSEC or OpenVPN)
- Owcloud (to get your personal cloud)
- fax server (hylafax)
- Mail server
- Groupware
- Traffic Shaping
- Firewall
- Proxy and Content Filter
At the end of the presentation, the **Nethserver** experts will be available for questions and clarifications.
## Bitcoin, what it is and how it is used
_13 July 2016_
Bitcoin is a technology born in 2009 on the Internet, it is managed entirely by users and has a function of digital currency free of banks and states.It is a project that will allow you to have its own freedom and financial security, without going from central entities.
Seminar of about an hour where Bitcoin will be explained and how to create your own portfolio in a totally free way, as well as a short practical demonstration of mining, or the procedure that allows you to produce new coin.
Remember to bring your Android or iOS smartphone to be able to create your wallet!
## low -level code optimization
_12 December 2016_
Carlo Milanesi, a software developer with experience in C and C ++, presents the concepts underlying the techniques for optimizing the performance used by compilers or programmers in system programming languages.We will talk about concepts such as static/dynamism, sequentiality, locality, powers of two, passage of topics to functions, categories of memory allocation, numerical types.
Knowledge of compiled programming language is required, such as C or Pascal.

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
title: "Eventi del 2017 al BGlug"
date: 2017-12-30T12:00:00+00:00
#expiryDate: # set this if the post should be removed automatically some time in the future
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draft: true
slug: "eventi-2017"
type: post
image: # if you don't specify an image, the first available is used
image_alt: description of the featured image. The image ratio should be 360x250.
summary: Here is the summary list of the meetings organized by the Bglug during 2017
- eventi
- Eventi
**These are the events that we proposed in 2017**
- [Bglug @ Energiadi 2017](#bglug--energiadi-2017)
- [Bglug @ Arduino Day 2017](#bglug--arduino-day-2017)
- [Introduction to Python](#introduction-to-python)
- [GIT: a more elegant management of the code](#git-a-more-elegant-management-of-the-code)
- [Dream (Ovirtual) of a midsummer night](#dream-ovirtual-of-a-midsummer-night)
- [Meet Elm](#meet-elm)
## Bglug @ Energiadi 2017
_18 March 2017_
Energy are an opportunity to experience school in an engaging and open way to the territory.Thanks to this special competition it is possible to live a fun experience whose shared goal is to consolidate the community and find a fun way to produce energy.The energy are a precious opportunity to create a real social event between Boccaleone and Celadina, with the collaboration of local groups and associations.
From 17 to 19 March 2017, at the De Amicis Institute in via Flores (Celardina), energy is produced by pedaling: 8 bikes + 1 hand bikes will be available for the pedaling of groups, associations and individuals from 16.30 on Friday 17At 12.30 on Sunday 19. Social energy will also be produced by organizing initiatives, activities, shows, workshops, sporting events.
**BGLUG will participate in the event by organizing an exhibition space on Saturday 18 March.**
## Bglug @ Arduino Day 2017
*01 April 2017*
Also this year the Italian open source platform is celebrated famous all over the world for its ability to make electronics accessible to everyone: **Arduino**.Arduino will organize all over the world, an anniversary event that is held on the day **Saturday 1 April** and which brings together the open source community made of people and projects.
The celebration of Arduino and its community is a special day characterized by official and self-organized meetings that saw in 2016 the participation of more 'of 330 locations throughout the world local community can propose their event and be included on the map of theEvent site on the [Arduino Day] website (
For the occasion **Fablab Bergamo** In collaboration with Bergamo Scienza will set up **in the spaces of the Bergamo Science Center** both demo stations for products and prototypes based on Arduino and presentations and keynote on projects and initiatives.They enrich the event moments and areas dedicated to networking.
In addition, to promote new technologies in the community of Bergamo and the province to the maximum, the event wishes to involve all technological realities from the Open Source community: programming, Linux, Open Source Program and much more will find space on this day.**BGLUG will participate with an exhibition stand during the day**.
For more information, visit the [Fablab Bergamo website](
## Introduction to Python
*May 24, 2017*
Python is a universal, versatile and popular programming language.It is excellent as the first programming language for its compactness and simplicity, but it is also a fundamental language in the atrezzi box of any programmer for his versatility and availability of bookstores.Python is used for various tasks ranging from data analysis, to web development, from system scripting to the creation of scientific applications.
The intent of this mini course of two episodes is to provide beginners and users with a basic programming knowledge of a vision of Python and its ecosystem.At the end of the course, you will familiarize with the syntax of Python and you will be able to put into practice what you have learned.
First and second evening
**Introduction to Python - Python ecosystem and specific uses**
Speaker: Enrico Bacis
May 24, 2017
@ Fablab bergamo
May 24, 2017
@ Fablab bergamo
## GIT: a more elegant management of the code
*June 14, 2017*
[Watch the video of the intervention](
How can I develop without worrying about managing versions of my code, backup and collaborate with developers all over the world?
A way to do this is to use a version control system, such as the GIT program, a system that records changes over time to a file or a series of files, so that you can recall a specific version later.
Thanks to this and many other features that we will see during the mini course, Git has become extremely popular in the latter period and is used by all the largest companies of the Silicon Valley (Linux, Google, Microsoft, ...).
***Single evening\***
Speaker: **Daniele Barcella**
Co-Speaker: **Luca Ceresoli**
June 14, 2017
@ Fablab bergamo
## Dream (Ovirtual) of a midsummer night
*02 August 2017*
*Live-Demo of **Ovirt**: how and why this Full Open Source software (based on **KVM**) can have its say in a world of commercial solutions for virtualization.
In -depth analysis of the functionality of **ovirt** in a hyperconvengent configuration with*storage*based on **gluster**.
Installation (in*Real-time*), configuration and handle (*live*) of
nr.1 HP Installation and Management Desktop
Nr.40 TB of * storage * (HDD/SSD)
nr.40 1GB/sec network cards
To constitute a *Cluster* **Ovirt & Gluster** (with 3/4/5 knots) fully automated.
By an idea by Giuseppe Ragusa
With the contribution of Andrea Flori and Giuseppe Ragusa
## Meet Elm
*11 October 2017*
Have you ever spent hours looking for an insidious bug in the Javascript of your web application?
Have you ever wanted to have a time machine in your debugger?
Have you wondered if functional languages have any concrete application?
**Meet Elm**
Simple, powerful, performing, open source.
Marco Vezzoli will tell you with a demo the basic elements of the language that is simplifying the front-end developments of society such as Prezi or Noredink.And his own too.
Speaker: **Marco Vezzoli**

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ore 21:00
## Git: una gestione più elegante del codice ## Git: una gestione più elegante del codice
*14 giugno 2017* *14 giugno 2017* [Guarda il video dell'intervento](
Come posso sviluppare senza preoccuparmi di gestire versioni del mio codice, effettuare backup e collaborare con sviluppatori in tutto il mondo? Come posso sviluppare senza preoccuparmi di gestire versioni del mio codice, effettuare backup e collaborare con sviluppatori in tutto il mondo?
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ Un modo per farlo è utilizzare un sistema di controllo di versione, come il pr
Grazie a questa e molte altre caratteristiche che vedremo durante il mini corso, Git è diventato estremamente popolare in questultimo periodo e viene usato da tutte le più grosse company della Silicon Valley (Linux, Google, Microsoft, …). Grazie a questa e molte altre caratteristiche che vedremo durante il mini corso, Git è diventato estremamente popolare in questultimo periodo e viene usato da tutte le più grosse company della Silicon Valley (Linux, Google, Microsoft, …).
***Serata unica\*** ***Serata unica\***
Speaker: **Daniele Barcella** Speaker: **Daniele Barcella**

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
title: "Eventi del 2018 al BGlug"
date: 2018-12-30T12:00:00+00:00
#expiryDate: # set this if the post should be removed automatically some time in the future
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draft: true
slug: "eventi-2018"
type: post
image: # if you don't specify an image, the first available is used
image_alt: description of the featured image. The image ratio should be 360x250.
summary: Ecco l'elenco riassuntivo degli incontri organizzati dal BGlug durante il 2018
- eventi
- Eventi
**Questi gli eventi che abbiamo proposto nel 2018**
- [practical programming workshop in rust](#practical-programming-workshop-in-rust)
- [Linux Embedded with Yocto Project](#linux-embedded-with-yocto-project)
- [Voting machines in schools: how to use them](#voting-machines-in-schools-how-to-use-them)
- [partitioning for dummies](#partitioning-for-dummies)
- [GDPR - Guidelines for an all -open implementation!](#gdpr---guidelines-for-an-all--open-implementation)
## practical programming workshop in rust
*02 May 2018*
*Guided programming exercises, with which you learn some planning concepts in rust.*
The * coding * is your reason for life?This is the event for you.
Carlo Milanesi will show practical examples through which to learn the concepts of programming in **rust**.
The event is mainly addressed to those who already master programming concepts in a typed language (such as C, Pascal, Java) and installed the environment **Rust** on your computer.
Recommended reading [Wikipedia page dedicated to **rust**] ( (language_di_programming)).
Speaker: **Carlo Milanesi**
## Linux Embedded with Yocto Project
*May 16, 2016*
Yocto Project is an international project that since 2010 has united several hardware and software industrial operators to support the vast and heterogeneous world of Linux on the embedded platform, offering tools, documentation and specifications intended to facilitate the development of more or less personalized solutions.
The event is mainly aimed at an audience with an intermediate or expert level of knowledge in the field of embedded.
Those who want to experiment with what will be discussed during the presentation can prepare the development environment by following the indications reported at this link.
Speaker: Marco Cavallini - Embedded Software Engineering
## Voting machines in schools: how to use them
*May 30, 2018*
Following the referendum carried out in October 2017 in the Lombardy Region, the 23000 voting machines used for electronic voting were distributed in about 1000 schools in the region for didactic uses with Ubuntu Linux installed as an operating system.
The Bergamo Linux Users Group, as an association that deals with the use of Linux and free software, presents this event with the aim of giving indications on the possible uses of the tool and offering the basic notions to move on the Linux operating system.An overview of the many didactic tools offered by the world of free software will also be offered.
Ample space will be dedicated to the questions of those present to clarify any type of doubt.
The event is mainly aimed at exponents of the world of school, managers and teachers, but also to parents or simple curious.
Certificate of participation will be issued to anyone who requests it in the manner that will be described at the beginning of the event.
ATTENTION: unlike usual this event will not be held at our office but at the "Gabriele Camozzi" Comprehensive Institute in Bergamo.
Speaker: Paolo Finardi and Omar Lazzari
## partitioning for dummies
*27 June 2018*
The event will aim to explain some of the foundations of the partitioning: because it is done, what are the main types of partitioning tables (MS-DOS and GPT) and the related peculiarities;We will deepen the mechanisms and settings at the partition level that regulate the start of an operating system GNU/Linux (MBR and UEFI mode) and will analyze the best-prascex to better party your system based on your needs.
We will also mention advanced partitioning, redundancy and management of the disco space systems (LVM2 and RAID).
The event is aimed at novices or intermediate users;A minimum knowledge of how a GNU/Linux operating system works is required.
Speaker: Emiliano Vavassori
**slides of the event «Partitioning for dummies»**
[By clicking here](slides-partizionamento-for-dummies.pdf) you can read the slides used as a support for the meeting of the "Partitioning *for dummies *" event, held at [Fablab Bergamo] (https: //, in via M. Gavazzeni n.3 in Bergamo, during the weekly meeting of the [Bergamo Linux Users Group, Bglug] (
Enjoy the reading!
## GDPR - Guidelines for an all -open implementation!
*11 July 2018*
The event wants to describe the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation, the purposes and purposes of the legislator.What and how the use and management of company digital data changes.
Simple verification tools of the degree of adequacy will be indicated and a brief digression will be made on the most useful technologies for the implementation of the GDPR.
All-round panoramic of the openource solutions that guarantee the infrastructure necessary to respect all the required obligations (redundancy of data, cryptation, geo-disposition of the replicas, tracking of access, management of credentials and data visibility roles)
The event is mainly aimed at small entrepreneurs, consultants and company managers somehow impact by the legislation, IT Managers, IT specialists, IT consultants who are asked to deal with the topic and to propose solutions.
Speaker: Andrea Flori

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
title: "Eventi del 2019 al BGlug"
date: 2019-12-30T12:00:00+00:00
#expiryDate: # set this if the post should be removed automatically some time in the future
#publishDate: # set this if the post should be published automatically some time in the future
draft: true
slug: "eventi-2018"
type: post
image: # if you don't specify an image, the first available is used
image_alt: description of the featured image. The image ratio should be 360x250.
summary: Ecco l'elenco riassuntivo degli incontri organizzati dal BGlug durante il 2019
- eventi
- Eventi
**Questi gli eventi che abbiamo proposto nel 2019**
- [ANSIBLE AUTOMATION](#ansible-automation)
- [Open Your Virtual Environment With Proxmox VE](#open-your-virtual-environment-with-proxmox-ve)
- [Creation of static sites with jamstack](#creation-of-static-sites-with-jamstack)
- [3D modeling with openscad](#3d-modeling-with-openscad)
_22 May 2019_
Automation is one of the pillars of a modern and efficient IT environment: through automation, all those configuration and distribution procedures of applications otherwise complex and demanding in terms of time and resources can be repeated and verifiable;With current technologies it is possible to automate, with great simplicity, different functions and technologies: network, storage, OS and updates, cloud, containers, safety, conformity and monitoring.
Simone Tiraboschi, Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, will talk to us about Ansible, who is today, for the number of installations and amplitude of the manageable resources park, the De facto standard in the context of IT automation.
During the evening we will see how to use it starting from the elementary playbooks without neglecting the best practices such as the management of errors and the writing of code reusable through the Roles.
We will then see how to perform the control row playbooks and how to manage them in more complex environments via ANSIBLE AWX by centralizing planning, management of credentials and logging.
For the most curious we will finally see how to create personalized modules and filters.
The event is free and open to all.
Speaker: Simone Tiraboschi, Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
## Open Your Virtual Environment With Proxmox VE
_05 June 2019_
On Wednesday 5 June there will be the event: "Open Your Virtual Environment with Proxmox VE"
Fabio Fusili, System Administrator at Bgworld, will tell us about the Environment of Proxmox VE virtualization environment, an open-air alternative to VMware VSPhere, Microsoft's Hyper-V, Citrix Xen Server and Red Hat O-Virt.
From theory to practice, after a brief introduction it will make a practical session of installation and management of a virtualization server.
The event is aimed at systemists, IT managers and in general IT professionals who are looking for solutions has of high level.
The event is free and open to all
[**Read the slides of the intervention**] (bglug_fusili_proxmoxve.pdf)
Speaker: Fabio Fusili, System Administrator at Bgworld
## Creation of static sites with jamstack
_19 June 2019_
On Wednesday 19 June there will be the event: "Creation of static sites with Jamstack"
Daniele "Kowalski" Barce will make us a quick introduction of the Open-Source Gatsbyjs framework.
Together with other tools such as React, Webpack and Nodejs we will see how to create static and fast websites.
We will see the basics of the framework, how to customize it, how to extend it with plugins and the basics of the creation of web pages with Reactjs.
We will also see how to put the site in production through the available platforms.
The event is free and open to all
Speaker: Daniele "Kowalski" Barcella
## 3D modeling with openscad
_03 July 2019_
On Wednesday 03 July there will be the event: "3D modeling with Openscad".
Omar Lazzari will show how parametric 3D modeling to those who do not want to learn about learning a each.
Openscad is the programming language used to model, among other things, the pieces of the first 3D printers of DIY.
Through a small number of solid modeling controls and the classic control structures, cycles, variables and lists, it is possible to create both simple components and complex parametric models.For the introductory part, no programming knowledge is required, being available a (visual) block version of the software.Following the use of the Openscad official idea for the modeling or for the modification of parametric models discharged from or by repository via GIT.In conclusion, time permitting, the integration between Openscad and Python will be shown within a Jupyter notebook.
The event is free and open to all
[**Read the slides of the intervention**](introOpenscad.pdf)
[Open Github Repo](
Speaker: Omar Lazzari

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@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ Vedremo inoltre come mettere in produzione il sito mediante le piattaforme dispo
Levento è gratuito e aperto a tutti Levento è gratuito e aperto a tutti
Speaker: Daniele “Kowalski” Barcella Speaker: Daniele “Kowalski” Barcella
@ -105,6 +103,7 @@ Mediante un esiguo numero di comandi di modellazione solida e le classiche strut
Levento è gratuito e aperto a tutti Levento è gratuito e aperto a tutti
[**Leggi le slide dell'intervento**](introOpenSCAD.pdf) [**Leggi le slide dell'intervento**](introOpenSCAD.pdf)
[Guarda il repo su Github](