Aggiunto evento lettura dalmine (#203)
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title: "Lettura Ada Zangemann Dalmine"
date: 2024-09-05T16:00:00+02:00
#expiryDate: # set this if the post should be removed automatically some time in the future
#publishDate: # set this if the post should be published automatically some time in the future
slug: "lettura-ada-zangemann-dalmine"
type: post
image: lettura-libro-ada-zangemann-36_25.png # if you don't specify an image, the first available is used
image_alt: Event image with an open book in the background; in the center, the cover of the book Ada and Zangemann, and at the top, the logos of BGLUG and FSFE.
summary: On Friday, September 27 at 4:00 PM, at the Dalmine Library, there will be a reading of the book Ada and Zangemann, followed by a creative workshop.
- eventi
- Eventi
📖 **1st proposal of the educational activity "They are young + they need code" at DALMINE**
BGLUG, in collaboration with the Bergamo Narrators' Circle and following the [Call to Mobilization]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-07-03-cercasi-volontari-AdaZ/volontari-cercasi/" >}}), will propose for the first time the educational activity "They are young + they need code" suggested by FSFE. The event will take place at the Dalmine Library on **September 27, 2024** at **4:00 PM**.
The target audience is **children and young people aged 8 to 12**.
This activity is part of the broader range of initiatives promoted by BGLUG and FSFE to raise awareness and promote free software, liberating people from the chains of proprietary software.
📖 **About the Book**
The famous inventor Zangemann lives in a huge villa high above the city. Adults and children alike love his inventions and are desperate to have them. But then something happens: when Zangemann wants to take another close-up look at his inventions during a walk through the city, a child hits him in the shin with the skateboard. That hurts! Enraged, the inventor makes a momentous decision... The clever girl Ada sees through what is going on. Together with her friends, she forges a plan.
This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
A book that arouses children's interest in tinkering and encourages shaping technology. From age 6 to 106.
⌛ **Schedule (September 27, 2024)**
* **4:30 PM - 5:10 PM** - Book reading
* **From 5:10 PM onwards** - Creative workshop for boys and girls
📍 **Where**
[Biblioteca "Rita Levi Montalcini" - Dalmine]( ([Piazza Matteotti 6, 24044 Dalmine(BG)](
The library has a small parking lot (30 spaces, including four with charging stations) in front, and some parking spaces on the adjacent road and square. The UNIBG engineering department is also nearby.
Free admittance, no registration required.
⚒️ **People Behind the initiative**
* **Andrea Laisa**, organizer
* **Andrea Fiori**, BGLUG coordinator
* **Candelaria Romero**, Bergamo Narrators' Circle coordinator
* **Carlo Milanesi**, reader and BGLUG member
* **Carmen Cornali**, reader from the Loreto Narrators' Circle, second reader
* **Omar Lazzari**, organizer
📒 **Contacts**
* BGLUG email: [](
* Telegram Andrea Laisa: @amreoboo
🌐 **Various links**
* [Event on](
* [Call to mobilization]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-07-03-cercasi-volontari-AdaZ/volontari-cercasi/" >}})
* [Official book website](
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title: "Lettura Ada e Zangemann a Dalmine"
date: 2024-09-05T16:00:00+02:00
slug: "lettura-ada-zangemann-dalmine"
type: post
image: lettura-libro-ada-zangemann-36_25.png # se non metti un'immagine, viene presa la prima immagine del post
image_alt: "Immagine dell'evento con, sullo sfondo, un libro aperto lateralmente; al centro, la copertina del libro Ada e Zangemann, e in alto i loghi del BGLUG e della FSFE."
summary: Venerdì 27 settembre alle ore 16:00, presso la Biblioteca di Dalmine, si terrà la lettura del libro Ada e Zangemann, seguita da un laboratorio creativo.
- eventi
- Eventi
📖 **1° proposta dell'attività didattica-formativa "Sono giovani + hanno bisogno di codice" a DALMINE**
Il BGLUG, in collaborazione con il circolo narratori Bergamo e in seguito alla [Chiamata alla mobilitazione]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-07-03-cercasi-volontari-AdaZ/volontari-cercasi/" >}}), proporrà per la prima volta l'attività didattica-formativa "Sono giovani + hanno bisogno di codice" promossa da FSFE. L'evento si terrà alla **Biblioteca di Dalmine** il **27 settembre 2024** alle ore **16:00**.
I destinatari dell'attività sono **bambini e ragazzi dagli 8 ai 12 anni**.
Questa attività fa parte del più ampio ventaglio di iniziative promosse dal BGLUG e dalla FSFE per divulgare e promuovere il software libero, liberando le persone dalle catene del software proprietario.
📖 **Informazioni sul libro**
Il famoso inventore Zangemann vive in una grande villa sopra la città. Sia adulti che bambini amano le sue invenzioni e vogliono averle disperatamente. Ma poi succede qualcosa: Zangemann vuole vedere ancora una volta da vicino le sue invenzioni e va quindi a fare una passeggiata in città quando, con un grande tonfo, un bambino lo colpisce sugli stinchi con il suo skateboard. Che male! Infuriato, l'inventore prende una drastica decisione... Ma Ada, ragazza sveglia, capisce cosa sta succedendo. Insieme ai suoi amici mette a punto un piano.
Questo libro illustrato per bambini racconta la storia del famoso inventore Zangemann e di Ada, una ragazza curiosa ed intraprendente. Ada inizia a sperimentare con hardware e software e, nel mentre, realizza quanto sia fondamentale controllare la tecnologia, per lei e per gli altri.
Un libro che stimola l'interesse dei bambini nello sperimentare e incoraggia a plasmare la tecnologia. Per età dai 6 a 106 anni.
⌛ **Programma (27 settembre 2024)**
* **16:30 - 17:10** - Lettura del libro
* **17:10 in avanti** - Laboratorio creativo per i ragazzini e ragazzine
📍 **Dove**
[Biblioteca "Rita Levi Montalcini" - Dalmine]( ([Piazza Matteotti 6, 24044 Dalmine(BG)](
La biblioteca dispone di un piccolo parcheggio (30 posti auto, di cui circa quattro con colonnina di ricarica) di fronte, e alcuni posti auto nella strada e piazza adiacente. Nelle vicinanze si trova anche il dipartimento di ingegneria di UNIBG.
La partecipazione è libera e non richiede iscrizione.
⚒️ **Le persone dietro all'iniziativa**
* **Andrea Laisa**, organizzatore
* **Andrea Fiori**, coordinatore BGLUG
* **Candelaria Romero**, coordinatrice circolo dei lettori Bergamo
* **Carlo Milanesi**, lettore e socio BGLUG
* **Carmen Cornali**, lettrice del circolo dei lettori di Loreto, secondo lettore
* **Omar Lazzari**, organizzatore
📒 **Contatti**
* Email BGLUG: [](
* Telegram Andrea Laisa: @amreoboo
🌐 **Link vari**
* [Evento su](
* [Chiamata alla mobilitazione]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-07-03-cercasi-volontari-AdaZ/volontari-cercasi/" >}})
* [Pagina ufficiale del libro](
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title: AdaZ reading volunteers wanted
author: Omar Lazzari
type: post
date: 2024-07-03T16:04:23+00:00
slug: volontari-lettura-adaz
- /2024/07/03/aaa-volontari-cercasi-per-leggere-adazangemann/
image: banner-manifestazione.png
image_alt: "An image from the book Ada&Zangemann in which it depicts people marching to demonstrate for free software"
image_caption: "Image credits: [BGlug]( 'Bergamo Linux Users Group website')"
summary: BgLUG and FabLab Bergamo are seeking volunteers to promote FSFE's proposed educational project aimed at elementary school children.
- News
- Scuola
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## AAA volunteers wanted for educational-training activity "They are young + they need code"
[BGLUG]( and [FABLAB Bergamo]( are looking for volunteers to promote the training project proposed by the [Free Software Foundation Europe]( aimed at elementary school children and titled **"They are young + they need code "**, and therefore they need your help!
The help requested covers one or both of the following points:
* Being a reader or tutor for the activity with children
* Contacting schools/teachers and proposing the activity to them ([facsimile request](../lettera-scuole/))
## What it is about
The activity is aimed at children ages 8 to 11 (3rd-5th grade in elementary school).
The underlying goal is to communicate the value of free software, the importance of being able to control the technology we use, and how to collaborate to improve it, as best we can, through an educational and training project, using the tool of fairy tale and animated storytelling, involving children and educators.
The activity lasts about two hours and is paced as follows:
1. introduction to and knowledge of the children
2. explanation of what the Free Software Foundation is
3. animated and participatory reading of the book Ada & Zangemann
4. break
5. performance of the collaborative activity indicated on page-9 of the [Volunteer Information Sheet](
6. dismissal and gift to children of coloring pictures to color at home from the book, some stickers or other gadgets if provided by fsfe
> [Read more about the documents provided by FSFE](
## The book Ada & Zangemann
The book ["Ada & Zangemann - A Fairy Tale About Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream"]( is a children's picture book written by the FSFE president with a view to better communicating the values of free software and control of technology, and thus for educational purposes.
> The famous inventor Zangemann lives in a huge villa high above the city. Adults and children alike love his inventions and are desperate to have them. But then something happens: when Zangemann wants to take another close-up look at his inventions during a walk through the city, a child hits him in the shin with the skateboard. That hurts! Enraged, the inventor makes a momentous decision... The clever girl Ada sees through what is going on. Together with her friends, she forges a plan.
This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
A book that arouses children's interest in tinkering and encourages shaping technology. From age 6 to 106.
[Buy the book]( o [borrow it from the library](
## Event held at the Nembro library in September 2023
On September 16, 2023, on the occasion of [**Free Software Day**](, a book reading was held at the **Biblioteca Centro Cultura Tullio Carrara di Nembro**, followed by the scooping of ice cream prepared by an FSFE volunteer. The reading did not follow the format now proposed by FSFE, the children followed the reading by sitting on mats and then playing with stickers, coloring boards and spending an unforgettable afternoon. And for a good time, we were also noticed by a famous local newspaper.
## How you can help from a distance
One way to help is to contact school teachers and propose the activity to them. Forward them the project and if necessary arrange a meeting that we could attend.
Only after making contact forward the facsimile request to the school secretary.
[Download facsimile (plain text)](
[Download facsimile (.odt version)](
## How you can help in the presence
Do you enjoy reading in public, entertaining, children's entertainment?
Come and read the story of Ada&Zangemann.
If you don't feel up to it, contact one of our volunteers and help with the preparations. You will see that the next time you will be the reader.
It is a fun and engaging activity, made so especially by the liveliness, never absent, of the little participants.
Do you have ideas for the activity after the reading: come forward!
Last year one of our friends and volunteers dressed up as an ice cream maker to everyone's delight :)
## Other
We are an association of volunteers.
If you would also like to help us in other ways, by suggesting new ideas or even just coming to meet us, we would be happy to welcome you. [Visit the page]( {{< relref "pages/chi-siamo" >}} ) with all useful information.
@ -82,4 +82,4 @@ L'anno scorso un nostro amico e volontario si è vestito da gelataio per la gioi
## Altro
Siamo un'associazione di volontari.
Se vuoi aiutarci anche in altri modi, proponendo idee nuove o anche solo venendoci a conoscere, saremo felici di accoglierti. [Visita la pagina]( con tutte le informazioni utili.
Se vuoi aiutarci anche in altri modi, proponendo idee nuove o anche solo venendoci a conoscere, saremo felici di accoglierti. [Visita la pagina]( {{< relref "pages/chi-siamo" >}} ) con tutte le informazioni utili.
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