Traduzione resoconto incontro a Dalmine su Ada&Z in inglese #337

paspo merged 5 commits from omarl/ into main 2024-11-06 21:31:14 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 6db0959297 - Show all commits

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ tags:
- fsfe
The BgLug will participate at the meeting of the Italian communities organized by FSFE, specifically our associate Andrea Laisa will give a brief talk sharing insights on the reading of Ada & Zangemann that we held at the Dalmine library. Follow us online.
The BgLug will participate at the meeting of the Italian communities organized by FSFE, specifically our associate Andrea Laisa will give a brief talk sharing insights on the [reading of Ada & Zangemann that we held at the Dalmine library]({{< relref "/posts/2024/2024-10-01-resoconto-evento-lettura-adaz-dalmine/" >}}). Follow us online.
This meeting is important for building a network of connections among the associations that will be present, to share experiences, join forces, and propose new activities for the future.