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This software uses Ansible Playbooks to configure all connected clients.
Available Events
Adopt a machine (which should already exist in the hosts db): # signal-event client-adopt pc-99 username password Reboot a machine: # signal-event client-reboot pc-01 Reboot all machines: # signal-event client-reboot-all Force reconfiguration of a machine: # signal-event client-reconfigure pc-02 Force reconfiguration of all machines: # signal-event client-reconfigure-all Shutdown a machine: # signal-event client-shutdown pc-02 Shutdown all machines: # signal-event client-shutdown-all Update source configuration timestamp: # signal-event client-update-lastconfig Wakeup a machine: # signal-event client-wake pc-02 Wakeup all machines: # signal-event client-wake-all
Support for a group of machines
If you defined a group of machines, you can send signals to groups also. # db hosts set epoptes_lab1 group members 'pc-01 pc-02 pc-03' master pc-01 # signal-event client-wake epoptes_lab1
E-smith DB reference
The general configuration is stored in the client-manager key. Properties of such key are:
- lastConfig: timestamp of the actual configuration set
- ManagementKeyFile: management user's SSH public key
- ManagementPrivateKeyFile: management user's SSH private key
All host-specific information are stored in the hosts db. For each host we have:
- sshUser: ssh user used to connect to the host. This is set when SSH adoption is successful