You can add a new link via command line (just SSH to server and issue this command)
# db startpage set link2 link enable yes title "Registro Elettronico" link "" imagelink ""
Remember to regenerate the start-page after each modification:
# /etc/e-smith/events/actions/startpage-refresh
## Advanced Usage
### Custom templating
There's support for templating, so you can customize your own template. Just create a new file (let's say `mytemplate.jinja2` and put it in `/usr/share/startpage/templates`). As you can imagine, [jinja2]( is used as the templating engine.
If you need custom assets (images, css, and so on), you can put it under `/usr/share/startpage/assets`; keep in mind that this path is reachable via http on the `/startpage` URI.
To select the active template:
# db startpage setprop configuration template mytemplate
As usual, remember to regenerate the start-page.
### Renaming output file
If for some reason you want to rename the output file, do like this:
# db startpage setprop configuration outfile /var/www/html/index.php