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Default password for project

  • Vault Password: v4ul+Password!
  • amgmt user (server): DoN0t4g3t!
  • bglug user (client): s4lamanDr@
  • admin user (domain): R0busTdom41nPa55wd!

How to change passwords for production deployments

Vault password

Clone client-pull-installation then, in the working copy, launch following commands:

$ git checkout -b mynewbranch
$ ansible-vault rekey domainpwd.vault

ansible-vault will ask one time the old password and two times the new one.

Once done with the password, commit the changes and push changes on github:

$ git add domainpwd.vault
$ git commit "Changed vault password"
$ git push -u origin mynewbranch

amgmt user (server-side)

Clone server-config then, in the working copy, launch following commands:

$ git checkout -b amgmt_change_pwd

Generate a new password hash with the follwing command:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512

The command would ask for the password to be hashed. Please copy the result string.

Open up the file roles/init/tasks/mgmtuser.yml, find out password: and then replace previous hash with the one you have just created.

After, commit the changes and push to github:

$ git add roles/init/tasks/mgmtuser.yml
$ git commit -m "Changing amgmt user password."
$ git push -u origin amgmt_change_pwd

bglug user (client side but preseeded)

The definition of password for bglug is inside *.seed files, inside server-config. Create a new password hash with:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512

Copy the hash in your clipboard; clone the repository, then in the working directory:

$ git checkout -b bglug_change_pwd
$ find . -iname \*.seed -exec $EDITOR {} \;

Within each *.seed file, search for the string user-password-crypted string and change following hash.

Add, commit and push to github:

$ git commit -am "Changing bglug password."
$ git push -u origin bglug_change_pwd

admin user (domain valid)

Password must be specified within NethServer interface for the admin user and must be absolutely equal to the one contained inside vault file.

Clone client-pull-installation, create new branch and modify the password inside domainpwd.vault:

$ git checkout -b admin_change_pwd
$ ansible-vault edit domainpwd.vault

The system would ask for the vault password. Change the plain text password with your editor, then:

$ git add domainpwd.vault
$ git commit -m "Changed admin password."
$ git push -u origin admin_change_pwd