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Events 2018 at BGlug 2018-12-30T12:00:00+00:00 true eventi-2018 post description of the featured image. The image ratio should be 360x250. Ecco l'elenco riassuntivo degli incontri organizzati dal BGlug durante il 2018

Questi gli eventi che abbiamo proposto nel 2018

practical programming workshop in rust

02 May 2018

Guided programming exercises, with which you learn some planning concepts in rust.

The * coding * is your reason for life?This is the event for you.

Carlo Milanesi will show practical examples through which to learn the concepts of programming in rust.

The event is mainly addressed to those who already master programming concepts in a typed language (such as C, Pascal, Java) and installed the environment Rust on your computer.

Recommended reading [Wikipedia page dedicated to rust] ( (language_di_programming)).

Speaker: Carlo Milanesi

Linux Embedded with Yocto Project

May 16, 2016

Yocto Project is an international project that since 2010 has united several hardware and software industrial operators to support the vast and heterogeneous world of Linux on the embedded platform, offering tools, documentation and specifications intended to facilitate the development of more or less personalized solutions.

The event is mainly aimed at an audience with an intermediate or expert level of knowledge in the field of embedded.

Those who want to experiment with what will be discussed during the presentation can prepare the development environment by following the indications reported at this link.

Speaker: Marco Cavallini - Embedded Software Engineering

Voting machines in schools: how to use them

May 30, 2018

Following the referendum carried out in October 2017 in the Lombardy Region, the 23000 voting machines used for electronic voting were distributed in about 1000 schools in the region for didactic uses with Ubuntu Linux installed as an operating system.

The Bergamo Linux Users Group, as an association that deals with the use of Linux and free software, presents this event with the aim of giving indications on the possible uses of the tool and offering the basic notions to move on the Linux operating system.An overview of the many didactic tools offered by the world of free software will also be offered.

Ample space will be dedicated to the questions of those present to clarify any type of doubt.

The event is mainly aimed at exponents of the world of school, managers and teachers, but also to parents or simple curious.

Certificate of participation will be issued to anyone who requests it in the manner that will be described at the beginning of the event.

ATTENTION: unlike usual this event will not be held at our office but at the "Gabriele Camozzi" Comprehensive Institute in Bergamo.

Speaker: Paolo Finardi and Omar Lazzari

partitioning for dummies

27 June 2018

The event will aim to explain some of the foundations of the partitioning: because it is done, what are the main types of partitioning tables (MS-DOS and GPT) and the related peculiarities;We will deepen the mechanisms and settings at the partition level that regulate the start of an operating system GNU/Linux (MBR and UEFI mode) and will analyze the best-prascex to better party your system based on your needs.

We will also mention advanced partitioning, redundancy and management of the disco space systems (LVM2 and RAID).

The event is aimed at novices or intermediate users;A minimum knowledge of how a GNU/Linux operating system works is required.

Speaker: Emiliano Vavassori

slides of the event «Partitioning for dummies»

By clicking here you can read the slides used as a support for the meeting of the "Partitioning *for dummies *" event, held at [Fablab Bergamo] (https: //, in via M. Gavazzeni n.3 in Bergamo, during the weekly meeting of the [Bergamo Linux Users Group, Bglug] (

Enjoy the reading!

GDPR - Guidelines for an all -open implementation!

11 July 2018

The event wants to describe the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation, the purposes and purposes of the legislator.What and how the use and management of company digital data changes. Simple verification tools of the degree of adequacy will be indicated and a brief digression will be made on the most useful technologies for the implementation of the GDPR. All-round panoramic of the openource solutions that guarantee the infrastructure necessary to respect all the required obligations (redundancy of data, cryptation, geo-disposition of the replicas, tracking of access, management of credentials and data visibility roles)

The event is mainly aimed at small entrepreneurs, consultants and company managers somehow impact by the legislation, IT Managers, IT specialists, IT consultants who are asked to deal with the topic and to propose solutions.

Speaker: Andrea Flori